Critical Reflection #3

Critical Reflection #3

Thus far, I have completely redrafted my original outline. I have entirely removed the murder centric plotline and changed it to something that is far more relevant to my life and the lives of others. As of now, the plot of my screenplay is tailored to the classic end-of-senior-year movie type. I found that in the first few pages I had written, I had already created a set of characters that I wanted to follow and explore, and not kill off in the first few minutes. I felt that pushing my narrative towards something more familiar to me and my audience would make the writing process easier and more believable. It made much more sense to write about events closer to my own personal experience than reaching deep into a fiction that I don’t know much about at all. My plan is to continue writing a drama, although I’m hoping it will give off vibes like Superbad or the general genre. 

I am continuing to work on my confidence with writing, and especially my comfortability sharing my own project. I’m at the point where regardless of if I enjoy what I’m writing or not, I will continue anyways and rework at a later point if need be. Moving to this kind of plotline had also provided me with more charter depth than I would have initially had. I can use personality traits that I have encountered and weave in similar conversations to make my characters feel more human and visceral. It is much easier now to write faster and more fluid than before, as I now feel as though I know my characters and their intentions much more. I am still excited to see how this turns out and hopefully, I can at least produce something that is worthwhile and engaging.

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