
Grace is a 13 year old in the 8th grade. She goes to a school called LREI and lives in NYC. Her topic is Health and Law: Reproductive Rights. She feels strongly about this because it impacts millions of women's futures.

Interview With Bethany Sousa

This was our last fieldwork it was at 9:30am and lasted till 10. Bethany was the 6th person we interviewed on Reproductive Rights. Our interview with her was pretty short but she explained how her job works and what she does. Bethany also explained the kind of people she works with and what they do. She explained what a day in the life looks like. Bethany is an extremely hard working person and said that she hardly ever takes breaks or days off from work. After the interview she emailed us some maps of where abortion is banned/restricted and we plan to add those into our slideshow for finishing touches.

An Interview With A Pro Abortion Lawyer

Cici Coquillette is a lawyer that does a lot of pro abortion cases. We talked to her for about 30 minutes and asked questions about what she does and cases that have stuck out to her. She told us that the majority of her cases are with women that need abortions in states where it is banned. She also told us that she has worked with people is South america and Europe. Cici also told us that she did a ton of cases in Iceland. We asked her if it was different in anyway or if the cases were generally the same. She explained that even though the cases remained similar the way of life was extremely different and it was fascinating to be apart of something is a different continent. This interview was extremely helpful and it was good for us to talk to someone who fights for reproductive rights in their day-to-day life.

A tour at Planned Parenthood with a Medical Provider

At 5:00pm on February 13th our group got a tour at Planned Parenthood on Motts and Bleecker. Our tour was for 45 minutes and the majority of our time was on the second floor. Our tour guide took us through all the rooms and explained in detail what happens in that room. We saw the white board for the next day. We also saw the room where patients stay after their procedures are over. We were told that the patients have to wait there for at least 30 minutes to see that the anesthetic fully wears off. This tour was extremely helpful and it was good to see what the experience would be like when getting an abortion.

Interview with Opinion Peace Writer Linda Greenhouse

On January 30th at 9:30am – 10:15 we interviewed Linda Greenhouse. Linda is an opinion peace writer, she shares her personal opinions through her writing. She writes for the New York Times and she went to Yale. She has written many pieces and even 8 books. Her first book was released in 2005 and the most recent one was in 2021. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Beat Reporting. The interview was helpful and informative and it was good for us to talk to someone who has so much experience with reproductive rights. Linda has seen Roe be passed and overturned and has written about both.

Interview With Journalist Tara Haelle

We interviewed Tara Haelle who is a journalist in Texas. This interview was at 1:00 pm and went till 1:45. She answered the questions we had and shared articles with us. The articles were very informative and helpful, some were written by her and some were from different agencies all over Texas. Tara explained that these agencies were meant to help women find resources for abortions. These websites are illegal because any type of abortion is illegal in Texas. Tara told us that the woman who had the abortion could not be arrested but anyone who was involved with it could be. And anyone who knew about it could sue the woman. She explained that the laws in Texas right now are very confusing for the citizens. We are planning to add a lot of what she said to our ted talk.

Interview With Abortion Provider Jane Kaufman

My group interviewed an abortion provider who works in the west village near us. We asked about what it was like to live through the overturning of Roe v. Wade as someone who provides abortions. We also asked about what a day-to-day schedule looks like for her. This was our first interview/fieldwork and it was very informative and helpful.