On February 24, my group and I visited Manhattan Child Advocacy Center at 1753 Park Avenue and 122nd St. We walked into a very large building and were greeted by very welcoming people, including our tour guide John. First we went into a large conference room and had a great conversation. We told him about our project and he explained more about the entire Center and more specifically the cooperation he works with, Safe Horizon. We took a tour and were actually very surprised at the large size of the building and the amount of people vigorously working. We saw many offices, interview rooms, doctor offices. Overall, the feeling of each room was very comforting and child friendly. John had said that one of their goals was to make the children feel relaxed. The cooperation is a sigh of relief after the other scary and intense situations the kids have seen. Then, we continued on to downstairs. This is where the situation is inspected for any crime. We were able to see the cell and bathroom that would be used by anyone arrested by the center. They allowed our group to actually peek in on an investigation occurring at that moment. We met many people who were very happy to see our group there. After, we had a question and answer session with one of the sergeants and John. I felt that this was very beneficial to our research. Throughout our research, we have never been to an advocacy center and it was very interesting.