Students Enjoy Author Visits

Dear Lower School Families,

It was Book Week and Lower School classrooms each had a visit from a published author.  How exciting.  The visits were memorable for the students, as you’ll see from the comments a few shared with me below.


Danielle’s Fours were visited by author Julie Appel who read Tickle Tut’s Toes.  Student Hunter Markley said she liked it because “We did an art project!”  Classmate Finn Barden chimed in, “Did you say Tickle Tut’s Toes?  I liked the touching part of the book!”

images-4Kate ‘s Fourth Graders met Yona McDonough who read them the first chapter of The Doll Shop Downstairs. Fourth grader Chloe described that it is probably more of a book that girls would enjoy but that “boys could enjoy it too. It’s historical fiction and it’s about things that happen at home in the family too.”  Xavier Guira added that “It has to do with money too because the family shopmight go out of business.”  Jack Fessenden remembered that it was about “Three sisters that love hanging out there (in the shop).  They have teeny delicate pieces at the doll repair shop.  It takes place in the time of WWI.”

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We all want to really thank the parents of the Literary Committee for all their arranging and coordinating to make such a great week at school to celebrate books!  Remember the Book Fair, featuring these special guest authors and lots of others, runs until Friday at 6pm.





Danielle & Anne’s Fours: Click here to view this week’s letter. Also, please click here to view our online photo album, “What’s Happening in Danielle & Anne’s Fours.”

Charles & Abby’s Fours: Please click here to view this week’s letter, as we wrap up our study of our school and look ahead to our families study.

Elizabeth & Stephanie’s Kindergarten: Please click here to view our letter about goings on in the classroom, including our Occupations Study.

Rebecca & Christine’s First Grade: As the winter break approaches and our fall term comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to share some of your children’s accomplishments so far this year – click here to view our letter.

Gina & Ruthie’s First Grade: As the winter break approaches and our fall term comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to share some of your children’s accomplishments so far this year – click here to view our letter.

Jamie & Ann’s First Grade: As the winter break approaches and our fall term comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to share some of your children’s accomplishments so far this year – click here to view our letter.

Dot & Becka’s Third Grade: There are so many exciting things happening before we take off for winter break! Click here to view our letter, including details about our upcoming trip to the Natural History Museum.

Kate & Karen’s Fourth Grade: Please click here to view a video of a magical moment on Ellis Island (from last week’s field trip). and here for our newsletter!

Dina & Kruti’s Fourth Grade: Monday is our Ellis Island Simulation! Click here for details.

Both Fourth Grades: Please click here to view the fourth grade learning extensions for December.

LS Chorus Members, a note from Ledell: Attention all Little Red Chorus Members! The Little Red Chorus will be singing at the Winter Concert on Tuesday, December 15th at 6:30 PM at the Charlston St. PAC.  Chorus Members should meet me at 6:00 PM at the High School dressed in their white top and dark (black) pants or skirt.  The concert features the Jazz Bands from the MS and HS as well as the HS, MS and LS Choruses. If you have any questions please email Ledell at

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For the most up-to-date information visit the school’s online calendar at Click here to download the one-page 2009-10 school calendar.

12/7 – 12/11 is BOOK WEEK! Authors and illustrators will be visiting all LREI grades.  These visitors donate their time to enrich our students’ love of reading.  We encourage you to support them by visiting the Book Fair, where titles by all visiting authors will be on sale, as well as a wide selection of other titles for children and grown-ups.  The Book Fair starts Wednesday, December 9 at 2 PM, and runs through Friday, December 11  at 6 PM in the 6th Avenue Auditorium. Please click here to fill out a Pre-Authorized Purchase Form, for your child to pick out books at the fair!

12/7 – 12/11  Afterschool Open Enrichment Class Week, December 7 – 11, 2009. This is an opportunity for a parent or caregiver to come and observe your child’s Afterschool Enrichment Class.  Please feel free to show up at any point during your child’s regular class time – click here for the schedule.  As this is the first time we have held an Open Class Week, we welcome your feedback in looking forward to planning for next year. Please contact the Afterschool Office if you have any questions, at 212-477-5316, ext. 239.

JungleBook12/11 & 12/12 Joanne Magee is proud to present the middle school production of Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” Dec 11th 7pm and Dec 12th 2pm and 7pm.  This stage adaption, which retains much of Kipling’s original poetry, but with all the charm of a middle school play, focuses on Mowgli’s journey of discovery as he grows up with his family and comes to terms with his unique and complex identity. Come to the play as a family and join us as we follow Mowgli through the challenges he faces both in the jungle and in his heart.  Enjoy our colorful set, costumes and of course, the outstanding talents of our middle school students.

Tickets are on sale in the Sixth Avenue Lobby from 8am-9am Dec 4th-11th. Students $10 Adults $12.  Click here for the poster!

12/14 Afterschool Spring Registration Information – Afterschool registration materials for the Winter/Spring semester will be emailed to families next week.  The registration materials will also be available on the Afterschool section of the LREI website.  The Registration Deadline for the Instrumental and Enrichment Shuffle will be on Tuesday, January 5th at 3 p.m.  Afterschool registration will continue on a first come, first serve basis through Friday, January 8th.  Please contact the Afterschool Office with any questions, at ext. 239.

12/15 LREI Winter Concert – Charlston PAC at 6:30 PM. Featuring the Lower School Chorus as well as the MS & HS choruses and jazz band.

12/16 Afterschool Piano and Voice Recital and Instrumental Concert:
Piano and Voice Recital, 5:30 in the PAPAS
Instrumental Concert, 6:30 in the Auditorium

12/18 Winter Break – 11:45 a.m. dismissal for 4s – 1st grade, and 12 noon dismissal for 2nd – 4th grade.  Afterschool is closed on this date.  School reopens Tuesday, January 5, 2010. Happy Holidays!

1/7 Mark your 2010 calendars now–Join us for our annual Alumni College Panel.  This is a terrific opportunity to hear recent LREI grads discuss their transition from high school to college and how their time at LREI prepared them for success.  Thursday, January 7th, 6:30PM, Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street.  RSVP to Liza Sacks at (212) 477-5316 ext. 291 or

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All Lower School Assemblies are held in our Auditorium at 8:45 a.m.


4/7 – 4s & 4s-K Music Assembly

4/14 – 1st Grade Music Assembly

4/21 – Kindergarten Music Assembly

4/28 – 2nd Grade Music Assembly

5/12 – 3rd Grade Music Assembly

5/19 – 4th Grade Music Assembly

5/26 – Kindergarten Movement Assembly

6/2  – 4s & 4s-K Movement Assembly

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12/11 Parent Co-Chairs Affinity Meeting

12/11 Literary Committee Meeting

12/14 Multi Cultural Committee Meeting

12/14 Red is Green Committee

12/14 Literary Committee Meeting

12/15 LS POCOC Meeting

12/16 Adoption Committee Meeting

12/16 Cookbook Committee Meeting

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*From Phil… There are a few spots left in both Adult rED classes.  Contact Rowena Penaranda – Askins at to enroll.  See Phil’s blog ( for more information.

*Vacation Policy: We remind families to only take vacations during LREI breaks and that your child’s time away from school does not begin before the school break does or end afterwards. Teachers use each scheduled day to support their classroom program goals and the School’s Mission. Students who miss days adjacent to breaks, or who take vacations outside of our break times, miss work and can disrupt planned activities. This affects the learning of the absent students and her/his classmates. In addition, divisional or all-school assemblies often precede our longer vacations. These gatherings are essential for creating the sort of community that drew you to LREI. Students sing, listen to speakers, applaud their schoolmates, meet students in other divisions and generally strengthen community ties.

*Holiday Shopping at the LREI School Spirit Store!
The school store will be open the following mornings at the Sixth Avenue building from 8 – 9 a.m.:

Tuesday 12/8
Friday 12/11
Wednesday 12/16
Thursday 12/17

Charlton St. building, both lunch periods:

Monday 12/14
Tuesday 12/15

*From the LREI Parents Association Community Service Committee–Please contribute to our annual Winter Coat Drive, December 17-18. Click here for more information.

*Red is Green Committee Announcements:

Through Friday, December 18th, we will be collecting plastic bottle caps for our December recycling drive.

During the month of January we will be recycling holiday and greeting cards. These cards will be donated to St. Jude’s Ranch. No photo cards please. For more information click here. Also during the month of January you can bring in  your wrapping paper scraps. These scraps will be used to decorate the school for Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day. Look for the box in the lobby after the holidays.

Mulchfest 2010: Recycle your Christmas Tree at NYC Parks Jan 9-10, 2010. Click here for more information on where you can drip off your tree in the 5 boroughs. Alternatively, you can put your tree outside with your regular garbage for recycling. Clean, non-bagged Christmas trees that are left at the curb will be recycled into compost. Pickup dates are Monday, January 4th through Friday, January 15th.

E-Waste: Do you have broken, unwanted electronics in your home? You can recycle your e-waste on Sunday, January 3, 2010 from 10 – 4 p.m. at Union Sq. For more info click here.

*Special invitation for 3rd and 4th graders from the New York Society Library… Richard Peck – A Season of Gifts – Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. for TEACHERS, PARENTS, and STUDENTS in GRADE 3 and older. Click here for details. To register, call 212-288-6900×234 or email Please give “Project Cicero” as your member name. NYSL is located at 53 E. 79th Street.

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