Why we have a Lower School Art Show

The paintings, collages, drawings, 3-d paper mache sculptures and puppets, ceramic work, Native American village models, wood chests and spoons from the Fours to the Fourth grade included in the Lower School Art Show reflect our belief that art making for children is a visual expression of their thinking and feeling. The artworks are both individual and collaborative. Labels describing the works are written or dictated by the children. Questions that motivate the art experiences are included.

The Lower School Art Show is a time for children to share with the wider LREI community the kinds of experiences they’ve had with materials in art and shop. These experiences include-getting an idea, problem solving, flexibility when faced with a “mistake” and delight when something comes out exactly the way one wants it.

During the Lower School Art Show children come in class or buddy groups to look at and discuss the artworks. “Museum guides” will speak about a class exhibit and answer questions. At the end of the visit one class may sit down and respond to the other class’s work or talk about what they noticed in the art show.

At each age our children express their unique visual responses to the world. The Lower School Art Show celebrates this; dates and times are below.


Ann & Peggy
LS Art & Shop Teachers

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To Parents and the Wider LREI Community,

You are cordially invited to the Lower School Art Show in the Bleecker Street Auditorium Thursday, February 19, 10:30-6:00 and Friday, February 20, 8:30-3:00. There will be an opening for children, parents and caregivers on Thursday, February 19 from 3:00- 4:00.

The Lower School Art Show is a chance to share with the LREI community the artwork of children from the Fours to the Fourth Grade much of which is connected to our Social Studies program. This year’s show looks exciting!

Teachers will bring classes throughout the day of Thursday, February 19 to view their artwork with each other. This gives students a chance to appreciate each other’s work and to share their unique expressions and ideas.

We hope that you can drop by!



(click on the links below to view and print information from teachers and specialists.)

  • All grades: Please click here for the ‘at a glance’ calendar for the 2008-09 school year. Click here for the 2009-10 school calendar.
  • Fours: (4s-letter)
  • Kindergarten: Crystal & Samson (K-CSletter); Luise & Abby (K-LAletter)
  • First grade: All classes (1-letter)
  • Second grade parents: New Time – Save the Date! On Friday, February 27 at 8:45am, LS Psychologist Roberta Rubien will host “Navigating Social Emotional Development in the Second Grade”. A time for second grade parents to meet together as a group, with Roberta, to discuss their children’s social emotional development at this age, and ways to support their growth.
  • Third grade: All classes (3-letter)


  • Friday, February 13, 8:45am: Adoption Committee Meeting
  • Monday & Tuesday, February 16 & 17 – School Closed, Presidents Day Weekend. School reopens on Wednesday, February 18
  • Wednesday, February 18 – 6pm: Parent SEED Mtg
  • Thursday & Friday, February 19 & 20: LS Art Show
  • Thursday, February 19 – 8:45am: LS Parent Rep Mtg
  • For an up-to-date, searchable all school calendar, please visit www.lrei.org/calendar




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Shop News from Peggy: Trees made by the First Graders are growing in the Sixth Avenue lobby display case. Please see them when you walk by!

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Big Auction Update:
Dear LREI Community – Whether you like skiing the slopes or fun in the sun, plan your next vacation with the Big Auction in mind! There is something for everyone – take a look and dust off your suitcases! (www.lrei.org/bigauction)

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Director’s Drop-In: Phil will be available for drop-in conversations in his Sixth Avenue office from 8:45 am – 9:30 am on Thursday, February 19th and Friday, March 6th. Drop in, ask a question, and hear about what is going on at LREI. Can’t make these times? Give a call or send an email, 212-477-5316.

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Updates from the Red is Green Committee
Our 2 recycle drives this month are off to a great start! Already we’ve collected over 560 batteries. Did you know that batteries can be 100% recycled? Or that it is illegal in NYC to throw rechargeable batteries in the trash?

We are also partnering with Project KOPEG (Keep Our Planet Earth Green) to recycle cell phones and other e-waste. And, we’re raising money for Little Red at the same time. In our first week we’ve collected over 30 cell phones, 80 ink cartridges and an assortment of phone chargers, ipods, pdas and digital cameras. But we can do better! Cell phones contain many toxic substances that pose a serious threat to our environment. The amount of cadmium contained in a single cell phone is capable of polluting 158,200 gallons of water or the equivalent of 2.4 million cups of coffee (statistic taken from projectkopeg.com).

The average American cell phone user owns 3 or more cell phones and replaces his or her cell phone every 18 months. If every LREI family asks their friends, relatives and co-workers for their old cell phones, ipods, pdas or used ink cartridges we can keep these harmful toxins out of our landfills and ultimately out of our environment. Set up a box in your apartment building or office and start collecting these items as well as raise money for LREI. For more information, check out their website at projectkopeg.com. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email the Red is Green committee (lhommen-at-hotmail.com or kbeck2-at-nyc.rr.com).

March’s recycling drive: Wine corks and Bear Naked Granola bags (www.terracycle.net)

And don’t forget to check out Lets Go Green’s website (letsgogreen.biz) for eco friendly water bottles, garbage bags, light bulbs, paper goods etc. LREI receives 25% of all sales as profit.

Thanks for all your help. Start collecting and keep recycling!

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