Connecting to Autumn

Dear Parents,

I absolutely could not resist including a short excerpt from each of the third and fourth grade farm trips that are away from school this week. It is a thrill and joy to receive these nightly updates from the teachers and hear a snippet of the fantastic sensorial, active experiences that the children are having together.

From Kate’s fourth grade farm trip: “We started off early this morning, some of us had to wake up at 5:45 to feed the animals! The rest of us got started around seven, waking to a beautiful, golden country morning. For breakfast, we had oatmeal with all the fixings to give us energy for the day ahead. We started off by cleaning up the farm house learning the basics of keeping our living space tidy. After that, we broke into two groups: One group went on a beautiful hike up a mountain. At the top was a view of the whole valley- breathtaking! The other group worked hard to help in the “Market Garden” which is where the farm grows produce to sell in local markets. After a yummy snack of popcorn and apple cider fresh from the presses yesterday, we divided into work groups, gardening, baking bread in a wood oven, and mucking out the cow barn. We sure were ready for lunch when it came!”

From Dot’s third grade farm trip: “After a restful and restorative sleep, we were up and at ’em taking care of the animals on the farm. The rule being that we need to take care of the animals first because then they can take care of us! For breakfast we stampeded (safely) to the communal tables to share pancakes dressed with maple syrup (tapped on site), sausage, and cantaloupe. … On the nature trail, we marveled at the gold and red leaves that canopied our walk and crunched under our feet. The same leaves we would later find next to the barn that were perfect for piling and diving into! … On the trail, we learned how one could find the North Star and use it to track their direction in the woods. We found unusual plant souvenirs, which you will probably find in your child’s jacket pocket on Friday. One child said about their finding, “Feel this. It feels like a balloon.” John showed us how to make a duck sound when we picked “quacking grass.” The children also trail blazed by leading us through the latter part of the trail. They scouted ahead to look for red ribbons tied around the trunks of birch bark trees and maples. Your children and the ribbons led us to a lean-to for a quick stop to gaze at birds’ nests before we took off down the hill for free time.”

Back at school we are connecting to autumn and the harvest-time bounty in other ways. There are sensorial and active opportunities right here close to home. Four year olds are touching and magnifying gourds, pumpkins, leaves, twigs, pine-cones and corn in the classroom. Below you see them hearing a story called, “Our Apple Tree.” Our kindergartens went to the Green Market yesterday. They chose apples, met farmers, and now will embark on all kinds of apple study and cooking projects. One kindergartener I spoke to said, “We got all different kinds of apples!” Below a group of students makes applesauce.

All the best,








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Attention second grade parents! The Second Grade Music Assembly is on Wed. Oct. 22nd at 8:45 a.m. in the auditorium. This is a wonderful opportunity to see what your child is learning in music. The assembly will feature
children’s song games from around the world as well as solfege singing , reading rhythms and active listening. I look forward to seeing you!

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The Adoption Committee will host its First Annual Fall Potluck Picnic on Sunday, Oct. 19th – 12:00 – 3:00 at The Teardrop Park in Battery Park City near Chambers St. In case of rain we will gather at the Adler’s apartment 345 W 13th St., Apt. 5E, (bet 8th and Hudson). For more information or to RSVP call or email Denise at – 917-455-8302 or


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The Asian American Families Committee will host a potluck breakfast is on Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 8:00am in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria. A sign up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board near the receptionist.

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From the Halloween Fair Committee:
The Halloween Fair is just weeks away and there are many ways to help at this fun-filled community event. Sign up on the board in the lobby to help set up the fair, run a game or one of our craft activities – no experience necessary! Check our wish list to donate supplies or bring a delicious treat for the bake sale.

This long weekend is a great time to sort through the toy box and bring in any unwanted small toys, party favors etc. for us to recycle as prizes. Drop box is in the lobby. (Please, no candies, make-up items or stuffed animals/soft toys). We are also collecting unwanted kids-sized costumes to recycle!

See you at the Fair! (PDF)
Sunday, October 26th 1pm – 4pm
Thompson Street Athletic Center
143 Thompson Street (between Houston and Prince)

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LREI Family Book Night
Wednesday, Nov. 5, 6:30 PM, Charlton St. PAC
Beyond Batman: Graphic Novels for Kids and Teens

This year, your LREI librarians have teamed up with some of today’s hottest authors and illustrators of graphic novel to present an enlightening and enlivening evening of graphic novel recommendations for all ages. Along with the traditional recommendations from the librarians, Jesse Karp (Early Childhood and Interdivisional Librarian) will be moderating a Graphic Novels panel. Panelists will include Holly Black (The Good Neighbors: Kin, Beyond Spiderwick, Tithe) Cecil Castellucci (The Plain Janes, Janes in Love, Beige, Boy Proof) Geoffrey Hayes (Benny and Penny) Steven Sheinkin (The Adventures of Rabbi Harvey, Rabbi Harvey Rides Again) and LREI parent Voltaire (Deady Bear, Oh My Goth). A selection of the recommended titles will be for sale. We welcome an audience of third grade and up. Children of all ages are welcome; there will be childcare available for the younger set, with pizza and story reading.

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Save the Date! LREI’s 2009 Big Auction
March 5, 2009 (Note our new date!)
The Metropolitan Pavilion, South Pavilion
128 West 18th Street, NYC 10011

Due to overwhelming feedback that we’ve received from the LREI community, the School will be hosting just one auction each school year on a trial basis for the next two years. The Big Auction will be held in March of 2009 and the Art Auction is scheduled to take place during the 2009-2010 school year.

This week, you will be receiving a letter in the mail, along with a donation form. Our goal this year is to have every parent solicit one item for the auction…we hope that you will join us in realizing this goal!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential donation, please contact Jenn at or Mamie at If you prefer, you can also contact the Office of Advancement. Pippa can be reached at 212-477-5316 x236 or, and Sandra at 212-477-5316 x275 or

Thank you in advance for your support!


Jennifer Esposito, Kindergarten parent
Mamie McIndoe, Third grade parent
Big Auction Co-Chair

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From the Parent Association Community Service Committee:

  • Save the date. Saturday, November 8th The LREI Community Service Committee will be hosting an arts and crafts event at the Sixth Ave. Campus – from 10:00 – 1:00. We will be making Birthday cards to be included in the God’s Love We Deliver Meals on Wheels program. This event is open to all ages – all divisions, we need middle and high school students to help the littler children write the cards and put them together. Community Service credits for MS & HS Students. The committee will supply the bagels, juice and coffee. Hope to see you there!
  • We have started collection of eye glasses for organization “New Eyes for the Needy”. The box is at the reception desk (Sixth Ave. lobby) clearly marked. Please, spread the word and go through you drawers, any prescription glasses might give their new owner a new life.
  • Max Quinn has agreed to coordinate a LREI knitting group to support Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services – Sanctuary Stitchers(1009-Stitchers). Our first knitting/crocheting circle will meet on Friday, October 17th, 12 noon – 3p.m. at the yarn store/cafe “Point” on Bedford between Carmine and McDougal. Bring your own or buy the supplies right there. This will be a kind of informal gathering around the corner from our school. I have attached a flyer with information about how the program works. For more information about this program and the JBFCS please go to

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  • 10/21 – 24: Dina & Patrick’s 4th grade to Hawthorne Valley Farm; Alison, Becka & Lisa’s 3rd grade to MCS Farm
  • 10/21, 8:45AM: LS POCOC Mtg.
  • 10/22, 8:45AM: Second grade assembly
  • 10/23, 8AM: Asian American Families Breakfast
  • 10/29, 8:45AM: First grade assembly
  • For an up-to-date, searchable all school calendar, please visit



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(click on the links below to view and print information from teachers and specialists.)

  • Kindergarten: Crystal & Samson’s class (1016-K-CSletter)
  • First grade: Rebecca & Emily’s class (1016-K-REletter)
  • All grades: Please click here for the ‘at a glance’ calendar for the 2008-09 school year.

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