Fabulous First Grade Publishing Party

Dear Families,

I’m always delighted to profile the moments of learning and celebration that happen each day in our classrooms.  First graders shared their “How-To” books this morning with their parents.  The students have been learning about features of non-fiction books in class.  They incorporated many of those features (such as photographs, labels, diagrams, bold words, tables of contents and glossaries) into books they created on topics of interest to them.  Several first graders showed me their beautiful finished products proudly and I equally proudly share a few pics from the morning with you.

Have a wonderful spring break starting tomorrow!









Beth & Samson’s Fours: Click here to check out our latest photo album!

Danielle & Anne’s Fours: Please click here for our letter.

Elizabeth & Stephanie’s Kindergarten: Please click here for our letter.

Dina & Jessi’s Fourth Grade: Click here for some updates!

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For the most up-to-date information visit the school’s online calendar at www.lrei.org/calendar. Click here to download the one-page 2009-10 school calendar.

3/19  Spring Break — School closes at 11:45 a.m. for 4s through 1st grade, and at 12 noon for 2nd through 4th grades. School resumes on Monday, April 5. Happy Spring!

4/8 Third and Fourth Grade Science Night! 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the 6th Avenue Auditorium – open to all 3rd & 4th graders and their parents and caregivers. A night full of fun science experiments! Look out for posters throughout the school when we return from spring break.

4/15 First and Second Grade Science Night! 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the 6th Avenue Auditorium – open to all 1st & 2nd graders and their parents and caregivers. A night full of fun science experiments! Look out for posters throughout the school when we return from spring break.

4/28 High School Preview Night Join us for the High School Preview Night on Wednesday, April 28th at 6:30pm in the Charlton Street Performing Arts Center (PAC). This event is a wonderful opportunity for Middle School and Lower School parents to learn more about the High School from parents, students and recent alumni. We hope to see you there! RSVP to Barbara Scott, Director of Admissions, at 212-477-5316 ext. 305, bscott@lrei.org.

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All Lower School Assemblies are held in our Auditorium at 8:45 a.m.


4/7 – 4s & 4s-K Music Assembly

4/14 – 1st Grade Music Assembly

4/21 – Kindergarten Music Assembly

4/28 – 2nd Grade Music Assembly

5/12 – 3rd Grade Music Assembly

5/19 – 4th Grade Music Assembly

5/26 – Kindergarten Movement Assembly

6/2  – 4s & 4s-K Movement Assembly

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3/19 Community Service Meeting

4/7 Parent SEED Meeting

4/8 LGSA Committee Meeting

4/8 Red is Green Committee Meeting

4/9 Literary Committee Meeting

4/9 Tasting Event Committee

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*Click here for information on Stir the Pot: Taste of the Future, which will take place on Thursday, May 13th at 6:00 p.m.

*We want your recipes! Plans for the LREI Community Cookbook are under way, and we are now seeking recipes from all members of the community. Recipes can be for any dish that you would bring to a potluck. Please send recipes or questions to cookbook@lrei.org. The deadline for recipes is March 19 (tomorrow!). Help us create a cookbook that represents the diversity of our community! Please see this flyer for more information.

*Summers at LREI Registration – General Registration for Little Red Summer Camp (ages 3.4-13) and Musical Theater Workshop (ages 7-8 and 9-14) opened on Monday, March 8th. You can register through our website, directly accessible by going to summers.lrei.org. You may also go to the website to view details about our programs, including class descriptions. Please note that as programs fill quickly, we recommend registering early.

Little Red Summer Camp and Musical Theater Workshop are offered in three two-week sessions as follows:
Session 1: June 28-July 9
Session 2: July 12-July 23
Session 3: July 23-August 6

*From the Red is Green Committee:

This Friday, March 19 is the last day to drop off your old batteries and cell phones. Batteries will be brought to a city drop off location to be safely recycled. Cell phones will be sent to Phones for Haiti.  All funds generated by Phones for Haiti will go to aid victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

April’s recycle drive will be corks, so start saving your corks now! Corks will either be collected by teachers at LREI who use them in the classroom or recycled by Terracycle.

Next Saturday, March 27, from 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. local time is Earth Hour. Millions of individuals, organizations, governments, buildings and cities around the globe will be turning off their lights for one hour to make a bold statement about their concern for climate change. You can join them by turning off your lights for one hour. For more information on this movement, visit www.earthour.org.

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