Wrapping up a Wonderful Fall Semester

Dear Lower School Families,

What a rich, full first semester of school.  Hats off to such highlights such as field trips, buddy time, and baking bread for our Thanksgiving Assembly.  Hats off too to the many every day wonderful moments such as dissecting a flower, hearing a story, building a robot, writing a story, hammering with wood and nails, painting with your fingers.  I leave you with a few quick snapshots of our fourth graders all dressed up and fully immersed in their social studies immigration experience.  I wish you and yours a very happy, restful, joyful holiday!


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Danielle & Anne’s Fours: Many Fours are traveling during the winter break. It would be wonderful if Fours could send postcards to the group. Once we receive their postcard, children can share it with the group and tell everyone about their trip. Please address postcards to:

c/o Danielle & Anne’s 4s
272 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10014

Lastly, please click here to view our latest photo album, “The Last Week in Dec in Danielle & Anne’s 4s.” Wishing everyone a restful and joyful winter break!

Beth & Samson’s Fours: On the eve of our last day of school before winter break, we wanted to let you know some of the recent happenings in the Fours. Please click here to view our letter.

Dot & Becka’s Third Grade: Please click here for some final notes before winter break!

Vonick & Randi’s Third Grade: Please click here for some final notes before winter break!

Dina & Kruti’s Fourth Grade: I would like to wish everyone a very healthy and happy holiday and a rejuvenating winter vacation; click here for our newsletter. Also, check out our latest photo albums! Click here to see photos from our Ellis Island Simulation, and here to view our trip to (the real!) Ellis Island.

Both Fourth Grades: Please click here to view the fourth grade learning extensions for December.

LS Chorus Members: Congratulations to the Little Red Chorus for such a wonderful Winter Concert! I am so proud of you all! You sounded so beautiful and brought a huge smile to your friends and families. Truly an amazing performance!
Chorus will resume on Thursday, January 7th (we’ll take Tuesday, the first day of school off). And guess what? There are about six new 3rd & 4th graders who want to join the chorus now – wow!
May your winter break be joyous,

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For the most up-to-date information visit the school’s online calendar at www.lrei.org/calendar. Click here to download the one-page 2009-10 school calendar.

12/17 Afterschool Spring Registration Information – We have had a great fall session in Afterschool!  Here are the links for the Winter-Spring 2010 Registration Materials: Instrumental – Registration, Instrumental – Bios, Core Afterschool – Registration, Core Afterschool – Descriptions.  The materials will also be e-mailed to all Lower School and Middle School families today and will be available on the school’s website this Friday.  The deadline for the Instrumental and Enrichment Class Shuffle will be on Tuesday, January 5th at 3 p.m. (the first day back from break).  Registration forms will be processed on a first come, first served basis through Friday, January 8th.  Have a great break!

12/18 Winter Break – 11:45 a.m. dismissal for 4s – 1st grade, and 12 noon dismissal for 2nd – 4th grade.  Afterschool is closed on this date.  School reopens Tuesday, January 5, 2010. Happy Holidays!

1/7 Mark your 2010 calendars now–Join us for our annual Alumni College Panel.  This is a terrific opportunity to hear recent LREI grads discuss their transition from high school to college and how their time at LREI prepared them for success.  Thursday, January 7th, 6:30PM, Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street.  RSVP to Liza Sacks at (212) 477-5316 ext. 291 or lsacks@lrei.org.

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All Lower School Assemblies are held in our Auditorium at 8:45 a.m.


4/7 – 4s & 4s-K Music Assembly

4/14 – 1st Grade Music Assembly

4/21 – Kindergarten Music Assembly

4/28 – 2nd Grade Music Assembly

5/12 – 3rd Grade Music Assembly

5/19 – 4th Grade Music Assembly

5/26 – Kindergarten Movement Assembly

6/2  – 4s & 4s-K Movement Assembly

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1/6 Multi Cultural Committee Meeting

1/7 LGSA Committee Meeting

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*Congratulations, Seniors! We are so proud of our twelfth graders. Included in our early information about college admissions is early admission to Carleton College, Smith College, Georgetown University, Brown University, Vassar College, Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Communications, McDaniel College, Ithaca School of Photography and Cinematography, Marymount Manhattan College, the Universities of Mississippi, Montana, Rhode Island, Tampa and Vermont and Quinnipiac College. A list as diverse as our seniors and their interests and futures. Bravo!

*From the LREI Parents Association Community Service Committee–Please contribute to our annual Winter Coat Drive, December 17-18. Click here for more information.

*Red is Green Committee Announcements:

Through Friday, December 18th, we will be collecting plastic bottle caps for our December recycling drive.

During the month of January we will be recycling holiday and greeting cards. These cards will be donated to St. Jude’s Ranch. No photo cards please. For more information click here. Also during the month of January you can bring in  your wrapping paper scraps. These scraps will be used to decorate the school for Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day. Look for the box in the lobby after the holidays.

Mulchfest 2010: Recycle your Christmas Tree at NYC Parks Jan 9-10, 2010. Click here for more information on where you can drip off your tree in the 5 boroughs. Alternatively, you can put your tree outside with your regular garbage for recycling. Clean, non-bagged Christmas trees that are left at the curb will be recycled into compost. Pickup dates are Monday, January 4th through Friday, January 15th.

E-Waste: Do you have broken, unwanted electronics in your home? You can recycle your e-waste on Sunday, January 3, 2010 from 10 – 4 p.m. at Union Sq. For more info click here.

*New LREI Event–Many of you have asked about the yellow “Stir the Pot” postcards that you received in recent days.  We wanted to whet your appetite and to be sure that you mark your calendars for LREI’s Spring tasting event called “Stir the Pot: Taste of the Future.”  You won’t want to miss the chance to meet and mingle with other parents and enjoy great food–Thursday, May 13th in the Charlton Street campus.  For further information, please contact Maude Kebbon in the Office of Advancement at 212-477-5316, ext. 232.

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