The Genius in All of Us

Dear Families,

I’m not trying to use this blog to promote anyone’s book, absolutely not.  But sometimes parents enjoy knowing about books educators are reading, especially those that take advantage of the latest research findings.  I recently heard author David Shenk (himself an independent school parent) speak at a conference for school leaders.  His book, The Genius in All of Us, aims to remove terms like natural born athlete, innate musical talent, and gifted student from our vocabulary.  Instead, intelligence is a process, not a finite entity one is born with.  He cites the latest MRI-scan based, gene expression research, and research on extraordinary achievers that supports this understanding of human talent and potential.

While genes influence our intelligence, they do so interactively with the environment broadly defined.  Furthermore intelligence is massively impacted by culture, early parenting, openness to failure (some call that perseverance and resilience), and understanding how the brain learns or metacognition about the processes of learning.  These last two factors in particular are incredibly validating for progressive educators to hear.  Heartening for teachers to hear about scientists undertaking research to prove the value of taking risks and making mistakes.  This is the primary link between the nurturing environment of the safe classroom and academic achievement.  If you’d like to hear more, in this video Shenk narrates a particularly entertaining example of brain plasticity research done with London cabbies.

Namita Tolia
Lower School Principal


(click on the links below to view and print notes from teachers)

Luise & Bianca’s Kindergarten: Click here to read a letter from Luise and Bianca about the kindergartners’ school study and the many ways they explored the school and recorded what they saw.

Beth & Stephanie’s Fours: Click here for a note from Beth and Stephanie about the Fours’ families discussion and important details about their upcoming family studies.

All Fourth Grade: Click here to view photos from the fourth graders’ recent Ellis Island simulation.

All Fourth Grade, from Stacy, Lower School Librarian: Click here to read a note from Stacy about “Shelf Sitting” and the fourth graders’ study of  the Dewey Decimal System.

Dina & Farrah’s Fourth Grade: Click here to hear from Dina and Farrah about their trip to the Tenement Museum and some special requests for classroom projects related to the trip.

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For the most up-to-date information visit the school’s online calendar at Click here to download the one-page 2010-11 school calendar.

Come check out the Afterschool blog at: New posts include Reds: Experiments/Explorations 1/25 – Bones Project, Choice Friday 1/28 – Rope Swing Art!, and Early Gymnastics.

Updated Contact Info: If your contact information—address, phone numbers, email addresses—has changed since we distributed the directory in September, please contact Mary Shea,, as she is preparing an updated directory for distribution in the coming weeks.  Thanks.

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All parent association meetings are held in the LS Cafeteria at 8:45 am, unless otherwise noted

Fri, Feb 4, 2011,6:00pm: POCC Book Club Night, 6th Ave. Auditorium
Tue, Feb 8, 2011: PA Exec Mtg. w/Phil
Wed, Feb 9, 2011: Community Service Event-Room to Grow, at 6th Ave
Thu, Feb 10, 2011: Community Service Event-Room to Grow, at 6th Ave

Red is Green: Click here to view a poster with information about Red is Green’s Bottle Cap Recycling Drive.
POCOC Book Club & Potluck: The POCOC Book Club & Potluck will now take place on Friday, February 4th from 6:00 – 8:00 in the Sixth Avenue Auditorium.  Rita Williams-Garcia, the author of our Middle School book selection will join us. For complete information, including descriptions of the books, click here. To view the potluck sign-up, click here.
Sports Committee: Ready for some indoor fun on a chilly afternoon? Our basketball teams are RED HOT! So warm up with friends and come to one of our exciting home games! Be prepared to scream, yell, wave your flags and MAKE SOME NOISE as we CHEER OUR TEAMS ON TO VICTORY! All games are held at Thompson Street Athletic Center, 145 Thompson Street. LET’S GO KNIGHTS!! Knights home game schedule for next week:
  • 2/3/2011: JV Boys vs York Prep 4PM
  • 2/4/2011: Intramurals – Red/TieDye  Blue/Green
  • 2/7/2011: Varsity Boys vs Churchill 4PM
  • 2/8/2011: Varsity Boys vs Trevor Day 4PM
  • 2/10/2011: MS Girls vs BWL 4PM

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All Lower School Assemblies are held in our Auditorium at 8:45 a.m, unless otherwise noted.

Wed, Apr 13, 2011: First Gr. Assembly
Wed, Apr 20, 2011: K’s Music Assembly
Wed, Apr 27, 2011: 2nd Gr. Assembly
Wed, May 4, 2011: 4s/4k Assembly
Wed, May 11, 2011: 3rd Gr. Assembly
Wed, May 18, 2011:  4th Gr. Assembly  (note change)
Wed, May 25, 2011:  K’s Movement Assembly (note change)
Wed, Jun 1, 2011: 4s/4k Movement Assembly

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Beth’s Fours Maren Berthelsen, Becca Markley
Fours/K Marjorie Goldner,
Sara Taplitz
Elizabeth’s K Juliet Burrows,
Carmen Lenzi
Luise’s K Shannon Barden,
Yael Goverover
Gina’s 1st Diane Hoffman,
Ceci Van Blerkom
Galen’s 1st Dawn Eig,
Christine Boyle
Rebecca’s 1st Hilary Meltzer,
Mishi Hosono
Tasha’s 2nd Mary Gerzema,
Linda Phillips
Deborah’s 2nd A.M. Homes,
Fia Hatsav,
Julia Wilbur
Dan’s 3rd Holly Glass,
Denise Roederer
Vonick’s 3rd Heather McMaster,
Beth Dary
Dina’s 4th Connie Butler,
Lara Olivieri
Kate’s 4th Susan Harris,
Liselotte Vince

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