Joyful Celebration

Karamu is one way we celebrate the many cultures and life experiences of the members of our school community as well as the experiences of people around the world. Each year your children share wonderful information about their families and friends on Karamu cards posted throughout the sixth avenue building. This year children were asked to choose a family member or special friend and write something they found interesting about that person’s heritage, cultural background or hometown. Below are some of the things your children shared:

“This is my dad. He grew up in Queens. His family lived in New York since 1840. Before that they lived in Germany and Russia.”

“Grandpa grew up on a farm. There were lots of animals there like ducks and cows…When he was born he was little. He had to wake up very early to milk the cows.”


“My cousin was born in Hawaii two years ago. She is currently living in Hawaii, but in February she will be moving to Virginia. Her Dad is a navy officer. It’s interesting to know she will grow up in different parts of the country and maybe overseas.”

“My sister and I are African American, Irish, Cherokee and Cape Verdian. My sister was born in New York. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia.”

“This is my Baba. Baba means grandma in Japanese. My Baba is Japanese. She is special to me because she is nice and has two cats. She always has presents for me.”

“My Papa comes from Florence, Italy. I like Florence because it has very narrow streets and lots of Vespa’s and motor scooters. There is very good gelato.”

“My grandma is from Somalia. It is in East Africa. I love the costumes and jewelry. It is very colorful – pink, blue, green, yellow and purple with gold trimming with lots of gold jewelry. It is very beautiful.”

“These are my Chinese cousins. I love them!!! We were adopted on the same day and are from the same province. That is why they are affectionately called “my cousins.” My Chinese name is Ling Cai and that means ‘Rise High Emerald’.”

This is just a sampling of the rich culture and heritage of LREI families. Please stop by and read more Karamu cards as you walk the halls these next couple of weeks. You’ll be amazed by how much there is to learn about each other and about the assets you all bring to our school community.




Please view our on-line Lower School gallery for great photo’s of recent events:



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Karamu Update: Scavenger Hunt
Stop by the Sixth Avenue Library or the reception desk for your Scavenger Hunt forms! The hunt is open to first through twelfth grade students and ends Friday, January 25 at the end of the school day. The Grand Prize winner will be announced at Karamu – Fours through Kindergartners can participate by submitting their names at the Library for special prizes.

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The 2008 LREI Art Auction is only two weeks away.


Wednesday, February 6th – Thursday, February 7th
12:00 noon – 8:00PM
Andrew Edlin and Kathyrn Markel Galleries
529 West 20th Street, 6th Floor


Admission is Free


Kid’s Preview: Wednesday, February 6th from 4:00PM – 6:00PM.
Bus available on Wednesday, February 6th from LREI’s Sixth Avenue building to 529 West 20th Street at 3:15PM.
Reception & Final Bidding: Thursday, February 7th 6:00PM – 8:00PM


Visit our website to view a full list of artists and preview and for more information on Conditions of Sale, Absentee Bids and other important details.


LREI Contact: Sandra Song 212-477-5316 x275 or

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NEWS from the MS Robotics Team:

  • EVENT: First Lego League Robotics Championship Tournament
  • When: Saturday, January 26th
  • Time: 9:30AM-12:00PM & 1:00-2:00PM
  • Location: Riverbank State Park (145th St. and Riverside Drive)

The Middle School Robotics Team season is coming to its grand finale! Both middle school teams won first place awards at the Manhattan Competition back in December and were invited to compete at the Citywide First Lego League Championship Tournament this Saturday, January 26th. The competition will bring together the top teams of the different New York City boroughs. Around 80 teams will be present at this event. You are all invited to come cheer us on! The more the better. If you come, please wear red to show your support for our team. Check out the links below for a more detailed schedule of the competition and directions on how to get there. If you have any questions feel free to contact LREI Robotics Team coach and Middle School science teacher Sherezada Acosta at Hope to see you there!

Tournament Info (Schedule & Event):

Directions & Parking Info:

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From Peggy and the Woodshop classes: Wooden spoons, trees, and monsters are in the sixth street lobby display case! What could be more fun! Please take a good look at our wonderful new work!

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From the Chorus teacher: The Little Red Chorus will start up on Feb. 7th after school from 3:00 – 4:00. If you are new and want to join, please fill out the attached form and return it to me as soon as possible (PDF). Thank you! Ledell

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A Visibility Photo Exhibit Reminder! Your holiday break may be the perfect opportunity to photograph a loved one, family member, or friend you don’t see during the year who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Visibility is fast approaching, running from 2/20 to 3/14, and this exhibition is so much richer when everyone participates! If you need more information please see the attachment on Visibility (PDF attachment).

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  • Thursday, 1/31 (This is a date change) – 8:45AM: Adoption Committee Meeting
  • Friday, 2/1: Afterschool’s First Friday
  • Wednesday, 2/6 & Thursday, 2/7: Art Auction (Final bidding on 2/7 from 6 – 9PM)
  • Saturday, 2/9 – 7pm: LREI Coffee House at Charlton street
  • For an up-to-date, searchable all school calendar, please visit



  • Fours: A letter from Beth and Caroline (PDF).

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