What is an honors project?

An Honors Project is an independent course of study proposed by a student or group of students, that extends beyond the normal scope of the curriculum and allows students to explore their passions with the guidance of a teacher. Teachers help to guide and mentor Honors Projects in a number of disciplines in different grade levels […]

How do I apply?

A student applying for an Honors Project (new and continuing) will Speak with the proposed project mentor and their advisor about the intended scope and outcomes of the project. Print and complete the Honors Project Application form making sure to include any feedback that was given by the project mentor and/or advisor. Submit the application […]

On Reflection

While deep exploration of a subject, topic or question is an essential element of the honors project so too is reflection on the process and experience of learning. We hope that students who engage in these projects come to also understand something of who they are as learners. In this way, the honors project serves […]

For Project Mentors

What do teachers serving as mentors need to know? The honors project is not designed to be another “class” that a project mentor teaches (i.e., developing and implementing a curriculum and its associated lesson plans). It may be helpful for mentors to review past projects for inspiration about how best to support students in inquiry […]

The Honors Project Poster

Why do I need to create a poster? While honors projects are largely independent projects, they occur in our wider community of learners. Sharing this work is one of the ways that we affirm our learning values. By making these projects visible to others through the poster, your work can find a wider audience; it […]