2019-2020 Visual Arts Departmental Focus

Submitted by: James French

  • Doing a professional development “deep dive” around some aspect of subject related progressive practice. This could draw on within department expertise and/or work with an outside consultant

We are primarily focusing on using arts institutions in and around the city as teaching/learning resources for both our students and ourselves. We are engaging in a series of PD opportunities and workshops at several museums in town.

The plan is to continue using the Tuesday afternoon meeting times to do our work. We plan to be flexible with those times in order to accommodate any opportunities that arise which will support our focus and needs.

2018-2019 Visual Arts Departmental Focus

Type of Work Focus: 

      • Documenting the “story” of the preK-12 curriculum 
      • Completing a critical friends group cycle and/or doing focused intervisitations with a clear plan for debrief/reflection, conversations and goal setting.
      • Committing to focused look at student work as a means to better understand the efficacy teaching/learning in the department.

Description of Work Focus: Use the Critical Friends group protocol to do peer observations within and across divisions to support individual practice and with an eye focused on seeing the student progression through the K-12 experience

Schedule for Work: Tuesday Meetings as before.