Visual Arts Dept. Meeting 10/21/2020

Submitted by: james french

Following Phil and the DEI coordinators remarks the Visual Arts Department convened to reflect upon and discuss the questions that had been laid out for us. We free wrote and did silent reflections on each of the questions posed for half of the time. Periodically through the process we would talk about a question to assist each other in putting it into the context of our unique subject lens and practice. After addressing each of the questions we came together to talk about them with a goal of identifying common ground, difference and space to create a larger cohesive goal for our work moving forward this year. As is always the case when we meet as a full department the conversation was excellent. We each bring a different perspective to bear on the topics at hand and relish the opportunity to help each other navigate the challenges within our divisions/course structures/material needs/desire to craft age appropriate curriculum. To no one’s surprise – even after going a half hour over time – we do not have a totally clear defined agenda/set of goals. We do however have a solid foundation to build off of in our individual studies/self-reflective practices and have defined some critical lenses we hope to examine the department’s role within and relationship to the larger school institution and the outward facing nature of the work our student’s produce.

2019-2020 Visual Arts Departmental Focus

Submitted by: James French

  • Doing a professional development “deep dive” around some aspect of subject related progressive practice. This could draw on within department expertise and/or work with an outside consultant

We are primarily focusing on using arts institutions in and around the city as teaching/learning resources for both our students and ourselves. We are engaging in a series of PD opportunities and workshops at several museums in town.

The plan is to continue using the Tuesday afternoon meeting times to do our work. We plan to be flexible with those times in order to accommodate any opportunities that arise which will support our focus and needs.