> Space to Create (Miles, Rachel, Georgia, Lily, Atticus)

Space to Create: What new environments might we design to bring creative confidence spaces to life?

You can find additional info on these pages on the OpenIDEO site:

Concept Title (Required):

Summary (Required):

Concept Description (Required):

In this challenge, we want to create ideas with young people, not for them. Outline how you’re planning to involve young people or other end-users (parents, teachers, etc) in designing, iterating or testing your idea during the Ideas phase. Be sure to report back throughout the Ideas phase with updates, too!

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How might you envision your idea spreading across geographies or cultures so that it inspires young people around the world to cultivate their creative confidence?

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What skills, input or guidance would you like to receive from the OpenIDEO community to help you build out or refine your idea further? Hint: this could be graphic design support, prototyping advice, financial/cost guidance – whatever you think you need to make your idea stronger and better poised for impact. And if you’ve got skills that might further someone else’s idea – reach out to them via the comments section.

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What if . . .

There was a website run by kids that could have all of these big ideas of how to be creative so kids could build off of them and be creative?

I had my own website to help people w/creative ideas/info?

We had a park with spaces for kids to create?

I don’t think there should be an physical space because some people might not be comfortable going somewhere.

There was a website for lots of different kids so someone who is shy can get help from other people to be creative?

 There was a way to communicate to kids all around the world share creative ideas?

 There  was a project where kids receive a box with ten things (paper towel, bottle, ect) and they have to make something with those things. It could be something where kids sign up and get a box each month. All the projects could be posted on internet after the challenge. 

What if there was a youtube channel that helped kids create cool things which would expand their thinking?

What if there was a new game similar to minecraft that was all about creative building which would expand children’s thoughts.

What if there was a version of the Maker Faire just for kids.