> Hand-on Making (James, Acadia, Ben, Lindsay, Alexa, Nina)

Hands-on Making: How might we empower young people to exercise their creative confidence by getting active, building to think and iterating (building on your thinking) along the way?

You can find additional info on these pages on the OpenIDEO site:

Concept Title (Required):

Summary (Required):

Concept Description (Required):

In this challenge, we want to create ideas with young people, not for them. Outline how you’re planning to involve young people or other end-users (parents, teachers, etc) in designing, iterating or testing your idea during the Ideas phase. Be sure to report back throughout the Ideas phase with updates, too!

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How might you envision your idea spreading across geographies or cultures so that it inspires young people around the world to cultivate their creative confidence?

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What skills, input or guidance would you like to receive from the OpenIDEO community to help you build out or refine your idea further? Hint: this could be graphic design support, prototyping advice, financial/cost guidance – whatever you think you need to make your idea stronger and better poised for impact. And if you’ve got skills that might further someone else’s idea – reach out to them via the comments section.

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What if . . .

In class we could do less paper work and more building and creating with materials.