Each of you is responsible for adding to this document. You are encouraged to use the sites listed below as they have reliable high-quality information. Whether from one of these sites or another site, please include the URL from the page where the statistic or fact appears.

As you do your research, you may come up with other questions. List them here. You don’t have to answer your question, but you can if you want to. You might see a question from another classmate, which you do want to find an answer. Go for it. If you do answer a question, provide the source where you found your information.

Remember, this is a public document and an extension of the LREI community. Show the same respect for others and their work that you would show if you were working face-to-face.

Example of how to post you finding:

Smoking can damage some of the most important organs in your body, including the lungs, heart and brain. http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/body/smoking/article2.html


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