Below are a set of links that will take you to the discussion spaces for reflection on the Decisions, Decisions simulation Lying, Cheating, Stealing. Your task is to offer a response for 3 of the 4 topics (i.e., you’ll chose 3 of the 4 links and offer your comments on those pages). You can use the statements below to give you some ideas to jumpstart your thinking. You are also more than welcome to return to the posts below after responding to see how the conversation is unfolding and can add more to it if you want.

  • If you are the first to respond to the topic, give an honest answer and also try to explain how it relates to life as a sixth grader both in and out of school. As you will be responding in a public space, speak to the ideas related to the question not about specific incidents or people.

  • If one or more people have already responded to the topic, make sure that your response builds on the ones that have already been made. To do this you can use phrases like, “I really agree with Dave because…,” “Margaret’s comment about X makes me think that…,” “Lynne’s idea is an interesting one, but I really think that…” Click on the reply link for the comment to which you want to reply.

  • So if you want to focus on some different aspect of the topic (i.e., respond to different quote or statement) try to find a way to make a bridge between the previous comments and your idea (e.g., “I really like this example and I think it connects to the idea that ..” or “Another way to think about this is…”

  • After you comment, click the link to return to the main page to access the other topics.

The idea is to create a conversation about these ideas even though we are not all in the same room together.

TOPICS (comment on 3 of the 4 topics):

  1. Some general thoughts
  2. Statements about lying
  3. Statements about cheating
  4. Statements about stealing