Letter from Student Government

Hello Future Ninth Graders,

Welcome to the LREI High School! I’m Kate. I’m a member of the High School Student Government, and on behalf of the entire school, we wanted to say we’re so excited to have you join us in September.  

As Student Government, our job is to uplift your voice and push for change within our school community. Transitioning to a new school can be challenging but also incredibly exciting! As Student Government, we want to make your High School experience as fun and rewarding as possible and make your transition as seamless as it can be. If you have any questions about LREI, high school, classes, clubs, or anything at all, please do not hesitate to send me an email at 24kated@lrei.org or to Student Government as a whole at studentgovernment@lrei.org. We are here for you! 

Student Government is made up of two representatives per grade (you will elect yours in the fall), and the Executive Board is made up of seven different positions filled by both juniors and seniors. We all have different roles that you’ll learn more about in September, but here is everyone listed below (feel free to reach out to any of us)! 

We can’t wait to meet you in the fall! Get ready for an amazing first year of High School filled with overnight trips, sports games, Spirit Week, x-blocks, Coffeehouses and so much more!

Have a fun and relaxing summer,

LREI HS Student Government Executive Board