Welcome to Elisabeth Irwin High School

Welcome to the Class of 2027!


Please take a look through these pages and take care of the required forms. We look forward to getting to know you all.

Advice from previous 9th graders:

Students were asked to give advice to the future class of ninth graders. Here is what they want you to know:

“Everyone is scared. Take a deep breath and be yourself.”

“Your friends from the beginning of the year can be entirely different from those at the end. I wish I had known this and been less focused on finding a new best friend, and more on just meeting a wide range of people.”

“Ninth grade is a time to get used to school and to experiment with things.”

“Teachers don’t bite. They want you to meet with them and talk with them. They get a kick out of it! :)”

“You can rely on your advisor for anything you are struggling with, inside or outside of school!”

“Try to start your homework during the school day, it makes your life a lot easier.”

“The Learning Center is a great place to do work and get help with time management.”

“Join X-blocks and do sports. You will meet kids from other grades and get a better understanding of the school.”

Next Section: Academics