My Atomic Model

screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-9-03-26-amThis is my model of an atom. I think it resembles the cookie/the Electron, discovered by J.J.Thompson. Atoms are small little things that are inside others. So inside a table there are billions and billions of atoms.

When we first started studying atoms I thought I already knew everything about them. But apparently not because I just learned so much more. Atoms have energy in them, and when ever atoms collide they squeeze the energy out of them.

When atoms collide they create something else that is not what they were before. I was told when atoms break that they will create a gigantic explosion. Atoms are made out of nucleus and electrons. A nucleus is made out of neutrons and protons. A proton is positive charge but neutrons are made out of no charge at all.

How you make different atoms is like this: you add more protons, neutrons, and electrons and then when you do it a couple of times you get oxygen. Electrons circle around the nucleus. But not in a very straight circle at all and it is actually very very wavy. The periodic table shows all the “levels” of atoms.



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