Circuit Essay


Even though Francisco’s family is poor they don’t complain and they are happy with what they have.

I read the Circuit by Francisco Jimenez. Being rich means you have a lot of money and are royal, being poor with your family means you have heart. If you stick with you’re with your family you stay happy and it doesn’t matter if you have a good life or not, all you need are family and friends. Francisco’s family doesn’t complain that they’re poor, because they stick together and they are happy with each other. Some people complain others are happy because all they need is family and heart. Even though Francisco’s family is poor they don’t complain and they are happy with what they have.  

One example for the thesis statement is: They never had a real home but his family and Francisco accepted constantly moving. Francisco had to leave because the rain made the cotton to heavy to pick when it was wet, even though he wanted to stay. But Francisco knew he would be back. “ If this rain doesn’t stop we will have to leave and find work somewhere else, he repeated, pacing up and down the floor.” pg.46. This connects because it shows how they had to keep on moving for work because it is the only way they can make money. Also the children and mom are illegally in America.   


Another example for a thesis statement is: They always had the same dinner every single day and sometimes other stuff. The only dinner they had was beans and a soup made for Christmas because that was all they could afford. One time they even had to make up a story to even make the soup. “Mama sliced of the rotten parts and made soup with the good vegetables, mixing them with bones she bought at the butcher stop. She made up a story and told the butcher they were for the dogs.” It connects to the thesis because it shows how they are really poor and they can only have certain type of food.

Also another example for an thesis is: When Francisco got candy instead of a ball for Christmas. The only thing the mom could get them was a bag of candy for Christmas since they can’t afford really anything else more expensive. During Christmas morning Francisco was hoping for a ball but was about to cry when he saw his siblings and him got bags of candy. “Roberto, Trampita, and Torito looked sadly at me and each other. They, too, had received a bag of candy. Searching for words to tell mama how they felt.” This connects because it shows how they can’t even afford a little ball as a present.

Francisco and his family don’t need to be rich, all they need is family and friends. Francisco’s family and him could only get a bag of candy instead of a ball, they can only afford beans and vegetables at the highest, and they can’t get a all around season job so they keep on have to moving from farm to farm since it’s the only job they can get. Francisco learns eventually that all he needs is family to be happy. Even though Francisco’s family is poor they don’t complain and they are happy with what they have.

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