Category: Teacher

Egyptian Tomb Website

I really liked making websites because it was fun to see what goes on behind all those websites I go to. At first, I had no idea how to close or open a tab and now I know how to do that and write a heading, paragraph, insert a picture, change font colors and make another page!  One thing I learned was how to insert a picture. At first, I was actually scared to try and put one in my website because I knew I was going to do something wrong. All I had to do was put the link of the picture in two tabs! How simple is that? I would like to do this again because it was a really good learning experience because it was fun and educational. And I like lessons like that.

Shark Tank Simulation


This graph has three things being represented. The sharks, minnows and seaweed.

On our spaceship, the sharks will be represented by the human crew. They will need to make sure they don’t act too much food because then all of their food is going to run out. They need to make sure that they don’t eat all pf the protein.

The minnows will be represented by any protein that is brought on board with them. Chickens, pigs, soy, fish etc. The animals in that category will need to make sure that they have enough food so they can reproduce and survive.

The seaweed will be represented by any plants. The plants will help the humans breathe and will produce food for the minnows.

The humans eat the protein and the protein eats the plants. That is the balanced food chain that will be on the spaceship.

Scratch Reflection

I think that my scratch game turned out really well in my opinion. I think this because I know that I spent a lot of time on it and time and effort makes something amazing. I have done test runs over and over and every time it is perfect. At one point in this process though I was adding a new backdrop accidentally coded it into another block which just made everything wrong and confusing when I ran it. Luckily, I finished it! I’m really relived now. The thing that I’m most proud of in my game is where Dan asks: “What was your favorite planet?” Then I was able to code in a block where people can actually type in their favorite planet that they saw! The picture below is of the coding for my character, Alex.screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-6-26-38-pm

Fall Composition

This is my composition. My main instrument is the flute. I chose this instrument because I actually play the flute so this was really easy for me and I could even practice at home! My song also includes the violen and clarinet. My original main instrument was the clarine but I changed it to flute because I thought that the clarinet would make a better background part. I really like my composition and it took a lot of editing and close listening to make it how it is now. I hope you enjoy!

My Atomic Model

screen-shot-2016-10-25-at-12-37-29-pmThis is my atomic model. I used the “Tinkercad”  website to create it. I think that it mostly resembles Democritus’s idea of an atom because it is a small little white dot and Democritus’s idea of atoms was small one colored shapes. Democritus discovered the atom and I think that since my atom looks mostly like his, it’s probably correct. When I was creating it though, I wasn’t sure how I felt about my design. I wasn’t sure because I didn’t think it had enough detail and everyone else’s was very detailed and had all of them tons and tons of different shapes and colors and I thought that mine was just boring. But then when we watched the video, I felt confident in my design because I wasn’t the only person who made a plain white little dot! When Dan told everyone to raise their hand if their atom looked like Democritus’s idea, a lot of people raised their hand! My atom does not look exactly like a real one but now I understand that there are different shapes than a ball. I hope that one day I look back at my design and think: “That’s a pretty neat dot.” After studying atoms in science I learned that the middle of an atom, there is a place called the nucleus. Inside the nucleus there is something called a proton. The number of protons there are determines the type of atom. Protons are positively charged. Also in the nucleus there is something called a neutron. A neutron doesn’t really do anything but carries mass. It is also positively charged like a proton.  Now let’s zoom out to around the atom. Electrons are negative charged parts of that atom that circle around it. The electron is actually one tenth the size of the other parts of an atom. imgres

Summer Book Report

                                                        Baby Sitters Club  Kristy’s Great Idea

                                                            Written By: Ann M Martin


     This summer I read the story “Baby-Sitters Club: Kristy’s Great Idea” written by Ann M Martin tells a story about 4 girls, Kristy, Claudia, Mary-Anne, and Stacey who start a baby sitting club! There are different books in this series. Each book is about a different girl. The first one is about Kristy.    


   Kristy’s parents are divorced but her mom has a boyfriend, Watson. Kristy doesn’t like Watson but her brothers and mother do so when she makes faces and complains about Watson coming over or eating dinner with them, she has no one to back her up.That makes her feel lonely. When Kristy got asked to baby-sit for Watson’s kids, Karen and Andrew, she was very upset. But, when she met Karen and Andrew and started talking to them about their parent’s divorces they all really connected. This changed the direction of the story because Kristy started to like Watson more because she could really relate with his children. This is good because when Watson proposed to her mom she said: “I wasn’t angry but I wasn’t happy.” At this point of the story her mother said: “ I need some time to think about this.” Which gave Kristy some time to get to know Watson better. A few days later, Kristy’s mother said yes to the proposal and Kristy was actually happy!


      I really enjoyed this book and I would definitely read the other books in this series. I liked the book because I though how the transitions and different feelings Kristy had during the story were interesting. I also enjoyed reading about the different experiences each baby-sitter had a different houses. My last reason why i liked this book was because I imgrescould take a lot of notes down on paper, and I like books that make me do that. Other people who would like this book are people who are going through the same things Kristy is going through. Or people that like to read about friendships and drama. I would definitely give this book five stars!