Category: Science

Shark Tank Simulation


This graph has three things being represented. The sharks, minnows and seaweed.

On our spaceship, the sharks will be represented by the human crew. They will need to make sure they don’t act too much food because then all of their food is going to run out. They need to make sure that they don’t eat all pf the protein.

The minnows will be represented by any protein that is brought on board with them. Chickens, pigs, soy, fish etc. The animals in that category will need to make sure that they have enough food so they can reproduce and survive.

The seaweed will be represented by any plants. The plants will help the humans breathe and will produce food for the minnows.

The humans eat the protein and the protein eats the plants. That is the balanced food chain that will be on the spaceship.

My Atomic Model

screen-shot-2016-10-25-at-12-37-29-pmThis is my atomic model. I used the “Tinkercad”  website to create it. I think that it mostly resembles Democritus’s idea of an atom because it is a small little white dot and Democritus’s idea of atoms was small one colored shapes. Democritus discovered the atom and I think that since my atom looks mostly like his, it’s probably correct. When I was creating it though, I wasn’t sure how I felt about my design. I wasn’t sure because I didn’t think it had enough detail and everyone else’s was very detailed and had all of them tons and tons of different shapes and colors and I thought that mine was just boring. But then when we watched the video, I felt confident in my design because I wasn’t the only person who made a plain white little dot! When Dan told everyone to raise their hand if their atom looked like Democritus’s idea, a lot of people raised their hand! My atom does not look exactly like a real one but now I understand that there are different shapes than a ball. I hope that one day I look back at my design and think: “That’s a pretty neat dot.” After studying atoms in science I learned that the middle of an atom, there is a place called the nucleus. Inside the nucleus there is something called a proton. The number of protons there are determines the type of atom. Protons are positively charged. Also in the nucleus there is something called a neutron. A neutron doesn’t really do anything but carries mass. It is also positively charged like a proton.  Now let’s zoom out to around the atom. Electrons are negative charged parts of that atom that circle around it. The electron is actually one tenth the size of the other parts of an atom. imgres