Category: — Fall 2015

Math 2nd quarter assesment


This was one of my second quarter assessments. It is the most recent one. I got 2 3s, 1 4, and a 2.5. I think I did pretty well. I got one of the hardest questions right. If you get 28, which most people didn’t, you get the question correct. I learned that when the first four planets out from the sun are aligned, it is called a conjunction. Out of the 6 questions, I got 5 correct, on the one I got incorrect, the equation was true but I still got it incorrect. I think I should have gotten it correct. The equation was true and it was a possible answer to the question. But I have to go with the flow, sometimes everyone makes a bad call.

French First Quarter

Lundi, le deux Novembre.

Monday, November 2.

  1. My favorite activity was the French songs. I liked it because we got to hear good music with funny lyrics.
  2. I learned the colors, the months, the days of the week, the alphabet, and numbers up to 50.
  3. 2 Successes in this class were that I learned the basics of French and that I memorized  more than 70 things in french.
  4. A strength for me was mesmerizing the songs.
  5. A challenge for me was to do the homework well.


  1. A goal for me is to adapt further into the language of french.


  1. I have made progress towards this goal because I have paid attention in class and to the songs and I have been able to know more about this language.