Surfing in Portugal

Surfing in Portugal this summer was so much fun and I loved it a lot. With my family we went to Portugal for my Cousin’s 13th birthday and we went surfing. I learned how to surf correctly and on the last day I did really well. We went to a beach called Arrifana which is a beach where it is easy to surf because the waves are smaller and my little sister and 8-year-old cousin did not have a hard time with the waves. On the last day everyone did great  and even my mom surfed and everyone took a wave to the shore. It was a lot of fun and I got to be with family that I only see twice a year.

In this photo someone is surfing a barrel wave which is hard and scary to do because the wave is closing in on you. We surfed on smaller waves that did not close in on us like that.


  1. 23samuelb

    That sounds pretty fun. Portugal sounds like a great place to go. If I went to Portugal I probably would’ve also went to Spain. Surfing sounds super cool! I have been to California many times but never been surfing. I guess I should one day.

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