Category: Keats

Exit Polling

Exit polling was fun because we got to talk to people and learn who they voted for. We made a prediction based on who we voted for. Our predictions in the neiborhood were correct but not exact. We got the democrats correct, but we got almost everything correct for republicans. The one inacurate thing was that we only had numbers from one neiborhood and one neiborhood is not the whole state.

Math 2nd quarter assesment


This was one of my second quarter assessments. It is the most recent one. I got 2 3s, 1 4, and a 2.5. I think I did pretty well. I got one of the hardest questions right. If you get 28, which most people didn’t, you get the question correct. I learned that when the first four planets out from the sun are aligned, it is called a conjunction. Out of the 6 questions, I got 5 correct, on the one I got incorrect, the equation was true but I still got it incorrect. I think I should have gotten it correct. The equation was true and it was a possible answer to the question. But I have to go with the flow, sometimes everyone makes a bad call.

Math End of Unit Assesment

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This piece of work reflects my work so far this year in math because it is the end of quarter assessment and it shows how much I learned over this quarter. I was surprised that I got the entire assessment correct. I am also proud to say that I got everything correct. I was mainly challenged by division on assessments. My plan to improve in this area is to practice my strategies to get better at math.