April 6

My Book Talk

My Book Talk:

Name:   2016


What are the components of a thorough, concise BOOK TALK?

Directions: When creating a book talk, use this helpful template to organize your ideas. Simply fill in what you’d like to say in the space below for each section.



When you were little did you ever want to be a pirate and find buried treasure? Well you are not alone, so did Jim Hawkins, the son of a poor tavern owner back in the 1700s. Jim’s life changed forever thanks to a retired pirate that showed up at the family’s tavern. This all happens in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1883, and still one of the most famous adventure stories ever.


Plot Summary:

One of the interesting features of this book is that you can already tell how it ends after reading the very first sentence but it still is entertaining and keeps you on the edge of your seat through the entire book. Jim Hawkins is hired by Billy Bones, the former pirate staying at his family’s inn called the Admiral Benbow, to look out for his old crewmates. Billy Bones is described as, “A tall, strong, heavy, nut brown man; his tarry pig-tail falling over the shoulders of his soiled blue coat; his hands ragged and scarred, with black, broken nails, and the sabre cut across one cheek, a dirty, livid white.” (Ch. 1, Treasure Island) After Billy Bones is killed by his former crewmates, who have sneaked past his lookouts, Jim looks through the sailor’s possessions and finds a treasure map in his sea chest. Jim brings it to Squire Trelawney, a rich gentleman who owns a large estate near the Admiral Benbow, and the town’s doctor, Dr. Livesey. They plan a trip to sea to find the treasure indicated on the map. When they get to the island where the treasure is located, there is a mutiny led by the ship’s cook, Long John Silver, who turns the honest shiphands into pirates. The lives of the squire, Doctor, and a marooned sailor found on the island all depend on Jim. Throughout the book, the idea of treasure and the greed it inspires plague the minds of both the pirates and the honest men. All but Jim.


Reading Strategy (with textual evidence)

This book is practically one giant conflict, a conflict that is all about power. He who hold the treasure map is esentialy the bulleye for each of these treasure hungry pirates. The book starts with the conflict of Billy Bones and and his retired crew mates. Billy Bones was a high ranking pirate and was feared by most sailors. But he goes to stay at the Hawkins’ tavern and is then attacked by past crew mates and ends up dead. This is the reason that Jim found the treasure map, which leads to the second conflict over power. When the crew sets sail in an effort to find the bounty on treasure island, the ship’s cook, Long John Silver, starts a mutiny and takes over the ship. And the only honest men are the doctor, the squire, the captain, the squires servants and most important, Jim Hawkins. Jim Hawkins has to perservier and survive in the face of mutanice pirates. “Through all this snearing talk I was made to feel the threat of death that overhung me, and my cheeks burned and my heart beat painfully in my breast… ‘Well,’ says I, growing a bit bolder, ‘ if I’m to chose, I declare I have a right to know what’s what, and why you are here, and where my friends are.’” page 399 of Treasure Island. This shows how even though Jim is scared and in a terrible situation he is able to stick up for himself and look danger in the eye. All the men including pirates and honest men rely on Jim and his wits, to get them out of the pickle they are in.



If you have enjoyed reading books with children as protagonists in adult situations, like Tom Sawyer, Alex Rider or CHERUB, then I highly recommend this book. The main character, Jim Hawkins, is a boy around the age of twelve or thirteen, who is faced with many challenges where his decisions and actions drive the story’s plot and affect the lives of the other grown-up characters. Also, if you are someone who likes pirate movies, like Pirates of the Caribbean, The Princess Bride or even Peter Pan, then you will be able to relate to this book because it is action-packed and you can almost see it playing through your head like a movie as you read it. The memorable characters, exciting action and classic story of good versus evil make Treasure Island one of the best-loved adventure stories of all time. Just to put it out there this a book that will especially appeal to readers that like challenging vocabulary and traditional pirate vernacular.

April 6

An African In New York

My Piece:


Name: Gus Dotson                                                                                 March 2017

Humanities                                                Africans in NY: Creative Narrative Assignment


The Dancing King

I remember the boat, the smells, the scent of death and rotting feces. I saw friends and enemies die in their shackles around me. I remember when those phantoms first came to our country. I remember when I first saw one of the dreaded fire sticks that could shoot a rock faster than a bow could shoot an arrow. I wish I could forget, but I will never forget the sight of sickly looking men with sticks that shot fire killing my poppa. I remember the blood spraying onto me. I remember the way my father charged them with his axe and fought to save my mother and me. I shall never forget watching from that death trap of a ship as my beloved Guinea beach disappeared. Often on Pinkster I will first visit the beach here on Long Island because, although it is not like the beach in my beloved Guinea, it still has that connection to my home and my soul that was left when those white men got me.


I have an okay life on Long Island. My master, Frederick DeVoo is a butcher and owns a 20 acre farm. My master sees that I am loyal and smart and he has been kind to me. He gives me decent food and a day off every six weeks unless there is a holiday, in which case I get that for my day off. I have been owned by him since I was thirteen. My momma lived and worked here with me until a year or two ago when she died. Lately my master Mr. DeVoo has taken to having me dance in front of his stall in the markets so as to attract buyers. The other slaves will sometimes hold dancing competitions in the markets on holidays and the winner will get a pie or some money. I am quite a good dancer thanks to my momma. I’m said to be so good that folks in the market call me “The Dancing King”. I am famous with people of all races that go to the market. I Feel as though I have triumphed over my master for he does not beat me but is kind and lets me live as a human rather than as chattel. Many of the other slaves in the market are treated like animals by their owners. My name is Jack DeVoo the king of the beach and dancing