November 11

Music 1st Quarter

This year in music we have been using a site called Sound Trap. It is a site on which  you can record and create music, by your self or by collaborating with others. In this semester we have been writing our own music pieces in sound trap. Each piece has to have: a beat, a cord progression and a guest artist. One special feature that it has is a MIDI device so that you don’t have to record the instrument that you want to use with a microphone. But you also don’t have to use the computer keyboard you can just plug the MIDI device into the actual computer and it acts like part of the computer. For example if you are using the computer keyboard to play the piano then instead you can use a MIDI device which plugs in and the it plays as though it is an actual piano but instead of having to use a microphone to record the piano you can just play the MIDI device and it automatically will translate into the sound trap song.

Here is the piece that I have made in sound trap:

I don’t have a guest artist yet but I should have one soon.

November 1

Mandarin 1st Quarter 2015

Here is the link to one of the mandarin sets that we have been using this year to study:

This is the link to the other Quizlet set: 

Another thing that we did in class was that we made a dialogue andd memorized it. this is me and Wyatts:

Wyatt- 你是哪国人?
Gus- 我是爱尔兰人。你也是美国人
Wyatt- 不是,我是匈牙利人。
Gus – 你会说中文吗?
Wyatt – 对,我会说一点中文,也会说英文。
Gus – 和我一样