Discovery Day

tumblr_np4a7yhjDg1steslro1_1280  I really liked going to Google. At google the offices were really nice and they even have a climbing wall. After that we met a hacker and it was really cool. Then we went to Sony Play Space and played Play Station. THis was the best day of the year.


When I started doing my website I had no idea how to code and it was really hard. But once I got the hang of it it was easer. I really like the videos I put on my website. I have really enjoyed making a website and I would do this again.
Here is my website.

Composition 2

This is My composition I have worked really hard on it and I think it sounds really good.


1429104138909.1 My way of doing division is taking the biggest chunk out of the number.

Venn Diagrams

polygon ven diagram This is not finished because some times My work can go a little slow. Another reason I did not get this done is that my tessellation went a little longer then expected.


1429102800458.1 This is my tessellation. This is special because I worked really hard to make it perfect. This has to do with math because you have to fit all the angles together.

Spaceship Earth

These are pictures of what my spaceship looks like. Our assignment was to make a spaceship that was going on a voyage for 20 years in space but you could not bring 20 years worth of oxygen, food, and water. so to solve this problem we had to make the stuff we needed to survive. To solve the problem of getting fresh water we had to make a filter that would absorb and clean grey water. To solve the oxygen problem we had to put trees in are spaceships because trees absorb CO2 and make oxygen. to solve food we would eat crickets because crickets are nutritious and they are easy to grow.

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The Book Of The Dead

My Favorite App

My favorite app is Fist of Fury because it keeps your fingers bussy and it does not get boring. I like that when you play it it looks arcaidy.






unnamed     I invented a super cool and easer bathroom. this helps people because lets say you went to the bathroom and you didn’t want to get off your toilet to go wash your hands and the toilet would move you to the sink and you could wash your hands on the toilet.

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