My Meal Muir Web

I really enjoyed the meal muir web. I enjoyed it a lot because it made me aware of what I eat and what is important to eat to stay healthy. I learned in this project like I said before that it is important to eat healthy and the things that is going into your food may not always be good for. This is why I enjoyed this project.


My best Notecard



Surgery in the Military


Tannenbaum, Rebecca J. “Health and Medicine in the 17th Century.” American Centuries , vol. 2, Facts on File, 2014. American History , surgery.


“Many surgeons learned their skill in the military and continued to practice after their discharge. They set broken bones, removed cataracts, and amputated diseased or injured limbs. Surgeons made up another category of trained healer. Surgery and medicine were considered separate fields, although the lines were beginning to blur and would eventually disappear altogether. Medicine, or “physick,” was an intellectual, gentleman’s skill; surgery was a manual trade, and thus had lower status. Many surgeons learned their skill in the military and continued to practice after their discharge. They set broken bones, removed cataracts, and amputated diseased or injured limbs.” 




Surgeons in the colonial period learned how to do surgery on the battlefield. Some of the things the surgeons learned during war were how to set broken bones, get rid of cataracts, and amputations of limbs. Surgeons made a new category of trained healer. Surgery and medicine were considered different jobs but overtime they became the same. Physicks’s was a rich mans skill; Surgery was for poor men and they had lower status. Surgeons learned their skill in the military and they continued to do surgery after the war. The surgeon’s set broken bones, removed cataracts, and amputated diseased or injured limbs.

My Ideas:

This quote shows that a lot of the surgeons learned their techniques from the battlefield. The surgeons on the battlefields saw broken bones, gun wounds, infections, severed limbs, and disease. Surgery was a gentleman’s job and never a woman’s job. In the early times of colonial America surgery and medicine were complete opposites, but later on they became one and the same. The surgeons started out as focusing only on physical aspects of medicine. The physicians focused on medicines and bleedings. I wonder what bleedings are? I think bleedings are when you test someone’s blood to see if there are any problems. Some of the colonial  physicians had a lot in common with the medieval doctors. While the surgeons and physicians started out having very different responsibilities over time there jobs became more similar. Surgeons had a lot lower status  because surgery was a manual trade. Physicians however, were thought of as a skilled trade and learned there job by apprenticeship. This gave the physicians hire status than the surgeons. Since surgeons and physicians did not get paid well they would often switch their trade to farming or school teaching. I can infer that surgeons did surgery because they had a passion for helping people. I can also infer that the surgeons went into surgery knowing that they would not make a lot of money.  


Created: 10/11/2016 10:48 AM



This is one of my notecards, it is about surgery in the military. My topic for the colonial museum is surgery. I think this is my best notecard because it has a good analysis and in general a good theme of the notecard. I learned a lot of interesting things in this notecard. For example most surgeons learned their skill in the army.

My Giver Essay

Miles Friedman


How the Elders Have Power

Imagine a community where there is no difference and the leaders use sameness to have and maintain power. This is what the community is like in The Giver by Lois Lowry. Jonas is a twelve year old boy who lives an ordinary life until he becomes the Receiver of Memory. He receives this job at the Ceremony of the Twelves where all children that are twelve receive a job in the community. Jonas receives his training from the Giver who is the previous receiver of memory. During Jonas’s training with The Giver, he realizes that there is a lot more to his community than he previously knew. The Elders are the leaders of the community, and they are hiding information about life from the whole town, including information about the outside world. The Elders used many tools to keep its citizens in order and maintain a utopia. Two ways they did this are by making complete sameness in the community, and getting rid of all the difference they can find.

One of the tools used by the Elders to maintain order was sameness. Jonas understands that the rules of the community are very strict and straightforward. Most of the rules are about sameness. For example, children are raised the same, everyone wears the same cloths, and the whole society dresses the same. In Jonas’s community it is considered rude and uncomfortable to talk about difference. At one point Jonas says, “Always better, less rude, to talk about things that were the same,” (Lowry p. 38). This quote shows that it is rude to point out differences in people. This quote also shows that it is very uncomfortable to talk about difference. It can be uncomfortable to talk about differences because it is recognized as a terrible thing. It is recognized as a terrible thing because difference is supposed to be eliminated in Jonas’s community. Jonas’s community has almost forgotten what difference is. Although Jonas’s community strives for sameness there is still some difference in it. Jonas’s community has lost so much by removing differences.

Another means of maintaining a utopia for the elders was eliminating difference. In eliminating difference, Jonas’s community has become bland. Without differences Jonas’s community has lost individuality, the positive, unexpected aspects of life, and all color. Because of the lack of difference, Jonas’s community is predictable and boring. One way that it is predictable and boring is that they do not even have differences in color. One day the Giver explained this to Jonas, “‘We relinquished color when we relinquish sunshine and did away with differences.’ He thought for a moment. ‘We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others,’” (Lowry, p. 82). This quote shows that Jonas is learning the story of his community and how the Elders made choices about what they believed was best for their community. Although the Elders believe they made the right choices, their choices led to losing good things. The decision to take away difference led to power for the Elders. No one in the community knows how to make a choice for themselves and the people have to look to the Elders for choices. The Elders want to keep the people in the community powerless by removing differences in the community.

The Elders’ goal of this community is to be in control of everything. They also do this by keeping everything absolutely the same and eliminating all difference and wrongs in the community that  people could use to question their authority. Pointing out any differences is considered rude or damaging because it takes away from the Elders’ power.  Individuals are not allowed to make choices, leaving the Elders to become almost like dictators of the mind. This power almost makes the Elders radical. In this book, Lowry shows us that sameness may look a good choice, but it actually can lead to even bigger problems for the community. People become almost robotic followers of the rules. The people become easier to control and the Elders’ power gets considerably bigger. This is why it is important in a community to allow for different voices to be heard and a true democracy can flourish. People can learn to think for themselves as thoughtful human beings. This kind of leadership is what a dictatorship is. 


This is my Giver Essay. We spent about a month on it and I am very proud of it. I am proud of it because I worked very hard on it. I also feel proud of it because I got stuck a couple of times and I got through it also I got good grades.

Math Checkup 2

img_0652        img_0653

On the front side of the assignment we had to find which shapes were similar. We also had to show how we knew. I solved this problem by finding the scale factor between each shape.


For the back side we had to make shapes that were similar to the rectangle but not congruent and draw a rectangle not similar. We also had to draw a figure similar to the triangle but not congruent. And we had to draw a triangle that was not similar. For the questions were it said draw a shape similar but not congruent I just made a shape twice the size. I made it twice the size because if it is twice the size it is not congruent because it is not the exact same but it is still similar. It is not congruent because it is not the exact same shape. For the shapes that were not similar I just drew a shape that the side lengths were not related at all.



Good and Bad Notes in Math

img_0651      img_0650




The photo on the left is the better notes of the two because it is it very organized, spread out, and it has a drawing that is visible and clear.



The Next Photo is not great notes. I think it is bad notes because it is not spaced out, not clear, messy and it has a couple of doodles on it.

Spanish Skit



I think our group very well together we were all on the same page and we all worked pretty efficiently. We finished our skit right at the right time and we felt good about it when we were done, we never really felt rushed. I think our performance as a group was pretty good because we worked together and we got it done and with quality. I think sometimes I got a little unfocused but my group always helped me get focused. I would defiantly work with this group again. I think we can improve by sitting not right next to our friends, planning out the project before we do it, and I think we could reherse the accutal skit a little more.



Math Profile


Last year was hard but rewarding. I feel like last year we covered so much. In fourth grade I remember math was so easy but middle school is a whole new beast. I like learning math because whenever you learn how to do a unit it feels so rewarding. It also helps you when you’re outside of school. I dislike that it makes me stressed. The time I get stressed most is when I am doing homework and it’s late and I am stuck on a problem. Also I dislike it when I feel behind in math. I usually feel behind because I am not very fast with math or I’m not very focused. I think I am not the best at math but I am ready to excel. My routine when I study is to first, look at the type of problem and do the easiest problems and then, work up to the hardest problems. If I get stuck, the first thing I do is check over the problem for careless mistakes then, if their are no careless mistakes, I will do the problem over. If I get stressed out I can take a break, or work on something else, or just read and come back to the problem. I am excited for this year and I will try my hardest in everything we do.  

My Value Chart



The technique I am using is called hatching. Hatching is a bunch of parallel lines that can make texture in your picture. the purpose of hatching is to create texture in your drawing. I think hatching is a very useful way to get texture and shade in your picture. The use of hatching allows for light and dark shading. Hatching is one of my favorite ways to get texture in my drawing but I think stipple is my favorite. Stipple is a another way to show texture. You show the texture by dots on the page. you can get different effects on your drawing by using a different amount of dots.




Summer Reading

Screenshot 2016-07-07 at 4.11.46 PM  I read Murder on the Orient Express as my first book to read during the summer.





Screenshot 2016-08-01 at 9.22.47 AM   The next book I read was Tex here are my notes.

Characters and their relationships with Tex:

Mace bossy older brother that is very close with Tex

Lem friend of Mace and Tex

Jannie Tex’s girlfriend

Johnny Tex’s best friend


Pop Tex’s dada

Cole Mace’s friend and Johnny’s older brother


Garyville, Oklahoma, a fictional suburb of Tulsa


When Tex gets shot.

When tex and Johnny get in trouble for pranking the teacher.

When Pop doesn’t come home.

When Mace beats up Tex.

When Mace sells the horses.







Screenshot 2016-08-15 at 3.12.06 PM I read Ender’s game as my third summer reading book.






Screenshot 2016-09-06 at 2.57.29 PM    I read Ender in Exile as my fourth book it is the sequel to Ender’s Game.







My favorite project in Art

Screenshot 2016-06-13 at 10.26.16 AM  My map project is my Favorite because we got to choose whatever we wanted to do.

What made it my favorite pies was the puzzle pieces.

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