October 2014 archive

My Future Self

feel2“When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”


When I was in Lower School something that was really exciting was the fact that we had dessert and chocolate milk. Now that I get dessert and chocolate milk, it feels like nothing because I’m used to it. Something in fifth grade that worried me was the homework. Now I realized that it isn’t that hard and I can get it done. Something that I am still nervous about is my grades. To help myself I will try my best. Something that I have not done in middle school yet is Drama. I am excited about it because I like to act.


Graph of Population

Photo on 10-15-14 at 5.40 PMThis is my graph. At the start the population barely grows. It is because people were traveling and they didn’t really have any settlements. Then it grows quickly because people had stopped moving and there was settlements. At the end it drops because of all our wars. It also drops because people are dying more than populating. It surprised me a lot when we learned that at 80,000 B.C.E. there was only 5,000,000 people because I thought there was a lot more. I forgot about the people moving.


photoOn Friday we got index cards of events that happened in the last 13.7 billion years. We had to put our events in chronological order. Our Group had trouble deciding to put the moon being created before when the rain cooled down The Earth. We figured it out because we remembered that when the astroid hit earth, the world was all lava.  Because we did that we learned which one went first. We were right.

My Atom

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 8.48.30 AMThis is my atom.  The ball in the middle in the atom’s center. That is where the hydrogen is. There is a ring that goes around it.The ring is supposed to have a gap in it. The energy in the ring goes around and then skips over one spot. The spot changes.

Observations on Running Problem Graphs

CLW5-graphsIn problem one I notice that two graphs look the same and one is different. The last one could go in C. If it had the lines connected. They have to be connected because the runner was still running in between the graph.  The one at the bottom of the board in C starts at the halfway point. All of the problems start at the start so that one does not fit anywhere. The graph at the bottom of the board at B does not stop for 6 seconds. It also does not start at the start. The one in C in the second row to the right does not start at the start. So it does not fit anywhere.

The Planner

I think that the planner should be a binder. The inside has clips in it that can clip folders in it. It should also have a planner clipped in. It would be a blank white planner that we can design. It also has an area for your flashcards. One side of the binder is a whiteboard. The cover and back is a whiteboard too.