Monthly Archives: June 2015

My Hero Essay

Freddie’s Hero Essay

by Freddie


A hero is someone who doesn’t give up because they’re hopeful to keep on going. Sometimes you want to do something, like run a mile, and it’s really hard for you to do that. A hero would be hopeful and try that anyway. A hero never gives up.


Ulysses was a hero because he was driven by his passion not to give up. He kept on fighting his way home, going through more scary things than anyone else normally goes through during their life. He got hurt a lot on his way home just for Penelope. For example, he met many beautiful woman on his way home, but had to deny their love because he loved Penelope too much. This proves that he was a hero because no matter how much he wanted to stay with the women, Penelope was his passion and he was determined to get back to her. There would not be as many brave people if Ulysses didn’t exist.


My hero is Lou Gehrig. He was a baseball player for the Yankees who got ALS. ALS is short for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It’s a disease that weakens your muscles. When Lou announced that he had ALS, he didn’t say I give up; I’m too sick to play baseball anymore. He kept fighting through it because baseball was his life. Baseball was his passion. He was determined to continue playing baseball, and because of this, he is a hero.


Another hero of mine is Jackie Robinson. He was the first ever black baseball player. He played on the Dodgers. Branch Rickey, the former Dodgers coached, signed him knowing it was a risk. Jackie had to play his whole career with people in the stands and other players calling him bad things. This makes him a hero because he wanted to change the world for the better and wasn’t afraid to do it. Jackie Robinson is a hero for baseball.


“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives” Jackie Robinson. Lou, Jackie and Ulysses’ actions impacted a lot of other lives. Because of Jackie Robinson, black people can play baseball. Because of Lou Gehrig, people don’t give up as easily if they are sick. Because of Ulysses, people are much more brave. These actions changed the future world, and made Earth a better place.

We wrote this essay so if someone reads this they will be inspired by these people and try to change the world as well.

Discovery Day

I really liked discovery day. I thought it was really cool at Google and that we were the first people outside of Google to go into their new office. I also thought what the hacker told us and the sony play space were cool. The hacker told us a lot about the big companies he hacked into and the sony play space had a lot of new cool technology. I learned that working at Google would be really awesome!