Monthly Archives: December 2014

Four Reasons About Why I Don’t Like NYC

I don’t like all of the people in NYC. It’s so hard to get anywhere with the streets and subways so busy. It’s also really hard to get a taxi when there’s so many people also trying to get one.

I don’t like it when people leave their dogs poop in the street because sometimes I step in it and that’s really annoying.

I don’t like it when I can’t get a seat on the subway because sometimes my feet really hurt and all I want to do is sit down.

I don’t like it when people let their big dogs off their leash at parks because I have a phobia of big dogs, so I can’t play when there’s a big dogs around.

My Invention

I invented a virtual reality baseball helmet. It looks like a space helmet, just without the visor.

It solves the problem of practicing baseball in winter. Usually it’s too cold in the winter to play, but with this you can play whenever.

It’s going to be a way to play baseball when you’re tired our it’s too cold outside.