Category Archives: Wilson

Poem 3


Leaves are growing back

It is time for warm weather

It is time for shorts


This is a Haiku poem. It is a syllable count. The first line has to be five syllables, the second line has to be seven syllables and the third line has to be five syllables. I use syllable count in this poem and line breaks. I like this poem because it explains how I feel about spring.

Poem 2

The Show

It’s our turn to go,

I’m nervous but I know

We can put on a great show

Will I fly above the sky

Or will I crash and cry?

I don’t know

But what I do know

Is that we can put on a great show


Since I do dance and I have to preform, I wanted to explain how I feel before I go on stage. My poem has rhyme and beat. I like this poem because it explains how I feel before I go on stage and that my dance friends and I are confident even though we are nervous.

Poem 1

Ice cream

Ice cream

Creamy, Sweet

Licking, Melting, Dripping

Between my fingers



When I wrote this poem, it was starting to get warmer out. That made me think of ice cream because I eat a lot of ice cream when it is warm out. This is a Cinquain poem. This is the layout for a Cinquain poem:

Line1: 1 noun

Line2: 2 adjectives

Line 3: 3 -ing words

Line 4: 1 phrase

Line 5: Another word for the noun

I used line breaks in this poem. i also kind of used imagery. I don’t love this poem because it is about a simple subject that isn’t very meaningful. It is also very straight forward. I could make it better by making it less straight forward and more meaningful. Maybe I could connect it to summer and how I eat ice cream when it’s hot outside.

Shabanu Newscast!

Shabanu Newscast!


Jindwadda Ali Abbasi died yesterday. He died in peace. He died because of a sandstorm in Pakistan, and he died a few days later, because of the effect. We can’t be one hundred percent certain, but Jindwadda was very injured during the sandstorm. It’s a miracle that he even survived. He was found outside, and conscious but asked specifically to be buried in Derawar, but unfortunately, his request couldn’t be fulfilled. Jindwadda died in the night about 10 days after the sandstorm. “I want to die at Derawar” his family remember him saying.

Grandpa fought in the war between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He fought hard for his country, and we will take today to appreciate his hard work in the army, and be sure that his death has been noticed.



Auntie’s baby died in the womb from technical issues. He was suffocated by the umbilical cord. “It was another boy,” Her sister says after the death. The midwife who tried to help is Shahzada’s sister, who is a family friend of the Abbasi’s. Shahzada used herbs and powders to help, but unfortunately it was too late to save the baby. According to witnesses, the state of the mother was frightening, for the color in her eyes was not visible. After the death of the baby, Auntie was said to have slept peacefully in a green tunic. The baby was buried, and the birth was never spoken of again. According to family, the mother’s pregnancy was unknown to everyone except possibly the father. Auntie did in fact show signs of pregnancy, such as tiredness, weakness and gaining weight. Shabanu did have suspicions about the pregnancy, but thought it might be rude to mention it.

The mother herself is the spouse of a man who works in a government office and makes a very good salary, and sends her gifts. Her husband, Mr. Abbasi,  is away a lot, and most people would even say that she’s lonely, but it brings her to joy the few times that her husband does come home. Mr. Abbasi is the brother of Dalil Abbasi, who is the spouse of Auntie’s sister. She is the mother of two lovely sons, ages three and five who are just starting to learn how to do work on the farm. When Auntie was at the age for marriage, she and her father went into search for a good husband. At first, they were unsuccessful, but after searching for a reasonable amount of time, she finally found her one and only husband. Shabanu, Auntie’s niece says, “Uncle comes several times a year, bringing Auntie gifts-quilts, shawls and brass pots. He brings us vegetables, wheat and lentils.”

My First Time Story

This is a piece I wrote about snowboarding for the first time. Julia said that we could add a little bit of fiction so I did. I actually got lost, but I didn’t get really hurt when I fell. I don’t love this piece, but I don’t hate it. I like that I explained how I was feeling a lot. I don’t like that it has two conflicts. I would improve it by taking out the part where I fall and get really hurt because that didn’t happen in the first place. I thought that it would make my piece better, but it made it worse. 

I clipped into the snowboard and I was off, or at least I thought I was off. I actually fell on my face. I felt my uncle’s hand on my back. I looked up at him. He was wearing green snow pants and a red jacket. “Are you okay?” He asked me. “Yeah I’m fine.” I replied. My uncle motioned for me to grab his pole, so I did. He hoisted me back up to my feet and pulled me over to the magic carpet that brings people back up to the top of the bunny hill. My cousin didn’t fall on her face so she kept boarding all the way to the green hill with my aunt. When I got back to the top of the hill, I felt my legs start to shake. I knew that when I fell I didn’t get hurt, but I also knew that I could. I guess my uncle saw it on my face because he asked me what was wrong. “I’m fine, I’m totally fine” I said. “Ready to try again?” He asked in a soothing voice. “Yes” I answered.

My uncle gave me a push to get me going. I tightened my legs to stop them from shaking. I put my arms out to the side to help me balance. I imagined myself being an amazing snowboarder. That was when I realized I was on the green hill. “I’m doing it!” I yelled to my uncle. The only problem was my uncle wasn’t there. I felt my body hit the snow. Where could he be? I thought to myself. I felt a tear drip down my pink cheek. I decided to ask somebody for help. I saw a group of kids from ski school coming down the mountain. I couldn’t stand up so I had to wave the instructor down. The instructor had long blonde hair, red snow pants, and a blue ski jacket that said Beaver Creek, Colorado. It took a while, but eventually she saw me waving and came over to help. “I can’t find my uncle.” I said while more tears dripped down my cheeks. “It’s Okay. I will take you to the bottom of the mountain with my ski group and then we can take it from there.” She said. That calmed me down. “I’m Katy by the way.” She said.

Katy helped me up and gave me a little push just like my uncle had before. I fell a couple times, but it was okay because Katy helped me up. About halfway down the hill, I saw a man with green snow pants and a red jacket. “Uncle Adam?!” I yelled. The man turned around to look at me. I felt myself fill up with relief when I saw that it was indeed my uncle. “There you are. I have been looking for you everywhere” he said when he saw me. I thanked Katy for her help and snowboarded over to my uncle. I guess neither of us wanted to discuss what had happened because we didn’t talk about it.

I felt the cold snow hit my back. My uncle gave me his pole and pulled me back up my feet. I couldn’t catch my balance so I held on to his pole. “Emma you need to let go of my pole. I am going to fall.” He said very seriously. I tried really hard to pull my hand away, but I couldn’t. I needed his pole to balance and I didn’t want to fall. BOOM! First my back then my head hit the hard snow. Then there was a lot of weight on my stomach. I couldn’t breathe. That was probably the scariest moment of my life. I remember thinking this is the end. It happened so fast that my brain didn’t have time to react. I figured out that I was ok when I felt the weight leave my stomach. I saw a big shadow come over me. “Emma, are you okay?” “Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” “Do you need me to take her to the bottom?” “Let me carry her” “Does she need help?” I heard a lot of words echo through my ears. I tried to stand  up, but I just fell down. I felt my body leave the snow. Someone must be carrying me I thought.

After a couple of minutes I was finally able to get some words out of my mouth. “I I I a a am am f fi fi fin fine.” I blurted out. I wondered who was carrying me. It can’t be my uncle, he doesn’t smell like tuna fish. Nothing was really hurting me, but the world was spinning. “I need help!” The person who was carrying me yelled. I stopped smelling tuna. My uncle’s familiar smell filled my lungs. I think he was carrying me over to the paramedics. I thought I was fine so I kicked and squirmed. He let me down. My feet hit the ground hard. I took a step. The world slowly stopped spinning. After a couple of minutes I could see clearly again. “I’m fine now,” I said to my uncle. “Good!” He replied. “I am really sorry about letting you fall,” he said after a few seconds of silence. “It’s okay. It was my fault.” I answered. “Let’s get you some hot chocolate.” He said in a soothing voice. “Yay!” I said excitingly.



100 Balloons

This is an unfinished piece of creative writing. I worked on it last week and I am very proud of it. I am proud of it because I tried really hard to make it as descriptive as possible. I begun this piece a long time ago when Julia wrote a prompt on the board. I’m pretty sure that the prompt was someone hands you 100 balloons what happens? I started this a long time ago and I started to work on it again in my own time. 


It was a normal summer day. I was just walking down the dusty, grey sidewalk. I saw the familiar green and white street sign on the corner. Then I saw him. The man was dressed in a puffy, colorful tutu. He was holding a big bundle of green balloons. They looked like they could make someone float away. We were the only two people on the street. Me and him. Him and me. It was just us. I sped up my pace slightly, but not too much because I didn’t want him to notice. “Hey, you.” the man said. I sped up a little more, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “Hey, you.” he said again. I was trapped. I couldn’t speed up again because the man would just call me again.


I walked over as slowly as I could. I was shaking like an earthquake. When I got over to the man he did a small dance to an original song. It went “It’s free balloon day, free balloon day.” phew, he isn’t a scary man at all. “Um…I don’t really want balloons. Sorry.” The man gave me a long hard stare. Then out of nowhere he grabbed my hand. In that moment I had no idea what to do. I screamed as loud as I possibly could, but it was a humid Sunday morning and everybody was asleep. I tried as hard as could to break away from his strong grip. “Take these balloons or I’ll take you.” he whispered in a scary voice. I thought about my decision for a couple seconds, even though it was obvious what I was going to choose. I held my hand out and closed my eyes. I felt his cold fingers on my hand. I opened my eyes and grabbed the light green strings of the balloons.
He let go of my arm. I felt my blood flow back to my hand. Then something weird happened.

My Arabian Nights Story and Reflection

Revision makes good writing great. Revision is edits that are less mechanics and more description. It is making changes about plot, description, character, setting and other things like that. You can make big and small changes in revision. It takes a longer time than mechanic edits.

During my revisions I changed the story inside the story. I made it more realistic to the time period and place. I also made my sentences more descriptive. My partner didn’t give me edits when everyone else did, but after I remember having to read my un-revised an revised piece. They said that they think that my piece got a lot more description and more realistic.

My Parzival Essay

This is my Parzival essay. We read a book called Parzival. It was about a knight named Parzival. I am really proud of my Parzival essay because it took a while to find all the information I needed, but after I found it all I put it all together and I am really proud of it. I learned that writing essays is a really repetitive process that takes a while, but after it’s done it’s really satisfying. A way I can continue to do my best work in the future is working really hard to find really good evidence.


One of many jobs parents have is to teach their child about life. Their job is to teach their child to be honest, but not rude. Their job is to teach their child about religion, if the family believes in one. In the the book Parzival by Katherine Paterson, the main character’s mom doesn’t teach the main character, Parzival anything. Parzival’s upbringing hindered him in life because he had to waste time learning things he could’ve already known, he could’ve gotten punished for not knowing about religion, and he was too honest to the point where he was rude.

Parzival’s upbringing clearly hindered him in life because he had to waste time learning things he could’ve already known. Parzival had to go learn from prince Gurnemanz because his mother didn’t teach him anything.  On page three the book reads “In the ancient days, when Arthur was king of Britain, there lived a boy who had never heard of the great son knights. The only home the boy had ever known was a cottage in the wilderness of Soltane, and the only parent he had ever known was his mother.” On page 32 it says “Prince Gurnemanz also taught him proper manners. He urged him to be humble and discreet among nobility and to be compassionate toward the poor and needy-to hold ladies in high esteem and to temper daring with mercy.” This proves that Parzival’s mom didn’t teach him anything. Since Parzival’s mom didn’t teach him anything, he had to go to Prince Gurnemanz to learn about chivalry. If his mom had taught him he could’ve been doing other things in the time he was learning from prince Gurnemanz. That is one of the reasons why Parzival’s upbringing hindered him.

Parzival’s upbringing hindered him in life because Parzival could’ve gotten punished for not knowing about religion. In Parzival’s time religion was one of the most important things in life. If you didn’t know about religion you could be punished. Parzival is really lucky that he didn’t get punished, but he definitely could’ve because his mom didn’t teach him. On page 8 the books says “‘Fool!’ they cried. ‘Do you want to be killed?’ But the boy was not offended. ‘Tell me,’ he said. ‘Are you the one called God?’” Parzival was almost killed because he thought a few knights were God. If his mom had taught him about religion that wouldn’t have happened. On page 97 the book reads “The old man greeted him in return, but with a rebuke. ‘I see, sir, that you are a knight. Why is it then that you do not observe this holy season? Why in God’s Holy Name, do you ride armed, when you should, indeed be walking barefoot?’” Parzival didn’t know enough about religion. The people he encountered were really nice to him about it, but if a lot of people found out he could get in trouble. Parzival’s upbringing definitely hindered him because of this.

Parzival not knowing anything hindered him in life because Parzival was honest to the point where he was rude. When Parzival went away from home he encountered many people. In the beginning of his journey, before he knew anything, he was very honest. Almost too honest. He was really rude to people. He even stole things. If Parzival’s mother taught him, he wouldn’t be rude. On pages 13 and 14 the book reads“‘And to take a ring from a good lady if the occasion arose.’ The duchess was so frightened she hardly knew how to reply. She begged the stranger to go away and leave her alone. But he took her ring and helped himself to the brooch he found on her gown. Then he began to complain of hunger.” On page 15 the book says “‘This is the knight I loved more than life itself,’ the poor maid said. ‘And now he is mortally wounded.’ ‘He looks mortally dead to me,’ said Parzival.” Parzival was so rude to those two ladies. He misunderstood what his mom told him because she didn’t explain what she was saying, she only told him what to say. Since his mom didn’t explain what she was saying, he stole a ring and a brooch from an innocent lady. Then there was a maid who was depressed because her husband had been really hurt, and Parzival said something really rude to her. If his mom had taught him, he wouldn’t have said something really rude. That is another reason why Parzival’s upbringing hindered him.

Parzival’s upbringing hindered him in life is because he had to waste time learning things he could’ve already known, he could’ve gotten punished for not knowing about religion, and he was too honest to the point where he was rude. If Parzival’s mother taught him about life when he was young, then Parzival wouldn’t have had to spend a lot of his life learning. Parzival also would’ve known not to be too honest. Also there would be no chance of Parzival getting in trouble or hurt for not knowing about religion. It is clear that Parzival’s upbringing hindered him in life.


Beowulf Annotations

Recently I read the book Beowulf. While I read it I had to annotate. I had to circle and define vocabulary I didn’t know, underling important parts, and write a chapter summary for every chapter.

I think annotating is important because if you need to remember a part in a book for an assignment or something you can scan the book and find where you need to look quicker. Also you learn a lot of new words.

One thing I am proud of is my chapter summaries because I feel like they are really helpful, but also not ten pages long.

One thing I want to improve is underlining important parts because I feel like I didn’t underling everything that was important.

Reading and Writing Timeline

This is my Reading and Writing Timeline. I am really proud of it. The assignment was to make a timeline that represents all the reading and writing I have done in my life. We also had to write two paragraphs. One about reading and one about writing. Julia told us that we were supposed to be creative with our timeline so I decided to make it in a circle. The books are on the outside, and the writing is on the orange Popsicle sticks. I am proud of this because I think I did the best work I could do and put a lot of time and effort into it. I also think I met all the expectations. I really like that I made speech bubbles and explained if I liked the book or not.

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