Monthly Archives: October 2016

Math Stretching and Shrinking Check Up 2

These are images of a math assignment called Stretching and Shrinking Check Up 2. In this assignment we had to view seven figures and decide which ones are similar. When looking at the figures I decided which shapes were similar by checking to make sure their corresponding angles were congruent and that they had a scale factor. For the second page of the check up we had to draw figures that were similar and not similar to the triangle and rectangle provided. For the similar figures I made sure to draw a shape that had was a scale factor and that all corresponding angles were congruent. For the un similar shapes I made sure that there wasn’t a scale factor. After doing this work sheet I realized that I need to work on using correct notation at the right times. Overall, this assignment was a success and I’m so excited for the rest of the year in math.

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Vocal Majors

This week I want to work on singing very high notes. I find that my voice cracks sometimes on the high note in Jubilate Alleluia. I think I can definitely do it if I work on it though. I’m really enjoying vocal majors so far and all of the eighth graders are really nice. I can’t wait to sing more songs!

Spanish Restaurant Skit

My skit group was Milei, Konrad, and I. We worked well as a group because we all contributed to all the parts of the project. Our group completed the skit as fast as we needed to, but we could’ve been slightly more prepared. For example, on the day we had to preform we were rushing to print another menu in the tech lab. I think our performance could’ve been better. We forgot to say things that were on our script multiple times and were very quiet. Personally I think I could’ve had a better balance  of reading the script and looking up at the audience. Overall, I think this was a very successful project.

Art Value Chart

In this photo I am using the technique hatching. The technique hatching is making lines in one direction. If I were to continue with this value chart I would add three more techniques. The next technique I would use is cross hatching. Cross hatching is making lines in two different directions. Another technique I would add is stippling. Stippling is basically making dots on the paper. For my value chart I used sharpie for this technique. The last technique I would use is random marks. Random marks is exactly what it sounds like random marks. I used the letter E when making my random marks, but other people used circles, or swirly lines.

My Math Profile

While doing math I have had many successes, and disasters. Since I’ve been learning and doing math for a long time I have lots of stories from different times in my life. The first thing I remember about math is seeing six dots on a piece of paper. I don’t know why I remember this because it is kind of specific. In fourth grade we had to learn all of the multiplication combinations from 1-12. Although learning the problems was difficult at first I eventually I passed the multiplication evaluation and was very proud of myself. I’ve always loved KenKen, but certain puzzles are really difficult for me so when I finally solve them I feel satisfied with my work. In the beginning of sixth grade we studied percents. I could never remember how to order the numbers in the equation. At the end of sixth grade we started algebra and didn’t understand some of it. Other than that last year was a pretty good year for me in math.

I like learning math because it helps me with my everyday life. For example learning percents helps me figure out how much to tip. I also love the feeling I get when I finally understand something that I haven’t understood before. That feeling is similar to when I solve a problem that I never thought that I could solve. Those things are great, but my all time favorite thing about math is the fact that I get to keep learning more and more about the same subjects. For example when I had a unit about geometry in second grade it was very different then when I had a unit in sixth grade. That is interesting to me because geometry is always geometry, but as I get older I learn more difficult concepts and skills.

I dislike learning math because it can be very complicated and frustrating when I don’t understand something. I also hate when I get stuck while doing a problem. Usually when I feel stuck I take a step back and really think for a minute and if I still can’t get it I will ask for help. Another thing I dislike about learning math is that in most problems there is only one right answer. This means that if you mess up one thing you will probably get it wrong.

I do consider myself a good math student because I am organized with my work and I try my best at home and at school. Something that I struggle with is participating enough in class. I make it a goal to speak at least three times per discussion. This helps me because I am a competitive person and having a goal makes my brain think it’s a contest with myself.

I usually start my homework right when I get home from school so I make sure I have enough time to get everything done. I don’t have a certain place I like to work because things change day to day. While I work/study I can’t have the room silent. This also doesn’t mean I like it loud. What I usually do is put music on at a low volume so I can hear it, but it doesn’t distract me. Overall, I’m really excited for math this year.