Category Archives: Uncategorized

Math Graph Picture

I notice that most groups did story C, some of the groups did story A, and the least amount of groups did story B.  Some of the graphs don’t make sense to me because they don’t start at the bottom or there are dots at the bottom, but no lines. Some of the graphs are curved and some of the graphs are straight. It looks like some of the graphs are still in the wrong place because there is a curved graph under the A story. All the graphs look different. Even the ones that are for the same story. I think we should all say which graph was ours and work out all the problems about them.CLW5-graphs

Ashokan Trivia

15016949169_fbc1781c75_mLast week I went to Ashokan. At Ashokan we played a game called trivia. The way it works is your team chooses a teacher to ask you a question. If you get it right you stay in the game, if you don’t you go back to the bunk house and go to bed. I was on a team with Ben, Margaret, and Emma H. We got one question right. That question was, “What is the name of the LREI security guard?” I said Boris. Then we got another question. The question was, “What state is on the license plate on my car?” We didn’t know. I was so mad because it was such an unfair question. I will try again next year. Bye.

Welcome to your digital portfolio!

Welcome to your brand new digital portfolio/blog at!

Your portfolio can be used for many things through out your middle and high school years, including:

  • Documenting and reflecting on your learning, passions, and interests, both in and out of school
  • Curating and highlight work for your Family Conferences
  • In some instances, your teachers will ask you to submit, reflect and comment on work in this portfolio

It is our hope that you also seek to make this a personally relevant learning space in which you curate work that is important and meaningful to you. As you build this learning space, we also hope that you will use it as a way to connect with other learners in the LREI community and beyond.

Your LREI account (Mail, Docs/Drive) credentials will automatically get you into your blog. Here are a few things you’ll want to take a look at:

1. Change the name of your blog. To do this, go back to the Dashboard and click on the “Home” symbol, then on “MS Digital Portfolio Template” under “This Blog.”


In the field for “Site Title,” add a new title. You can use your first name if you want (e.g., “Mark’s Digital Portfolio”), but don’t use your first and last name. You can also create a title that doesn’t have your name in it. Be as creative as you want, but keep in mind that the title should relate to the purpose of the portfolio.


After you’ve added a new title, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.


2. Add a Post

For the most part, you’ll be adding items to your blog as posts. To add a new post, you can click on the +New button in the top bar of your blog, and then select “Post.”

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You’ll want to give each post a title, and assign it to a Category. These categories are broken down by class and grade (e.g., fifth grade, core, etc.). This will allow you to organize and sort information so that you can control the look and feel of your blog. If you take a look at the menu bar under the blog title, you see the different groups of categories (e.g., class, grade, teacher, etc.).

When you’re done with your post you can click “Publish” on the side to make the post appear on your blog

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For assistance, come see Clair in the Tech Lab, check out our comprehensive support site, or take a look at our Edublogs User Guide guide.

You can also subscribe to our brilliant free publication, The Edublogger, which is jammed with helpful tips, ideas and more.