Category Archives: Segal

My Website

Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 7.59.58 PMLink To My Website




I thought it was fun to make my own website because I could make it have whatever I wanted it to on it. I really like the way my website turned out. I think it is pretty funny. I found it really hard to code. With the coding not one particular thing was harder then anything else. I just thought coding was really hard and I struggled with it, but eventually I got it done. I really like how my website is funny, but still all relates. It’s all about dogs taking baths. In the future I want to learn how to code buttons so I can make a website that you can navigate.

My New Hairbrush

This is a hairbrush that I made on tinkercad with Olivia B. This hair brush puts detangler in your hair as you brush it so it doesn’t hurt. To make the brush shoot detangler out of it you press the light pink button on the handle.
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Four Things I Hate About Living In NYC

1) I hate when tourists take up the whole sidewalk and stop especially when you’re running late.

2) I hate when people smoke because it is bad for them and everybody else that breaths the bad air.

3) I hate stepping in poo, gum, and garbage every time I go outside.

4) I hate when people go into the subway train before you can get out even when you’re saying excuse me.

Homework Planner Vote

If we had to choose between the two planners left standing I would choose planner number five because I made it and obviously I like it. I like my planner, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want other planners in the book. I want the winning planner  page to have the first page in the book, but I want all of them to be in there. We could decide the order of the other planners in the book by how well they placed or we could just do the first place planner then the second place planner then the other ones in random order. Each planner would get one week and then we would cycle through again and again.

My Planner Idea

My group and I were thinking that maybe the homework planner could have all the things we all like on it. It can be blue, sassy and funny. Maybe we could do a joke of the day.

I was thinking that maybe we could do a social media themed piece of paper. Each person would make one and then they would get it printed out every two weeks.Photo on 10-2-14 at 7.54 PM