Category Archives: Andrews

Pop Quiz

Recently in math we have been taking pop quizzes. In the beginning I got a 2.5 but then I started getting 3’s. I get 3’s now. A 4 means that you got everything right and a 3 means that you got everything but one. The pop quizzes also started getting harder and I still get 3’s.
Screenshot 2015-11-06 at 10.24.45 AM

Math Before and After

The first picture is before and the bottom picture is after. In the first picture, my answers are not circled and the labels are unclear. In the second picture the labels are clear and the answers are circled. When Margaret told us to make it neater, I looked back at the one that wasn’t neat and I thought of way to make it more clear on the page. I made sure that everything was even horizontally and vertically. This is important because I need to be able to look back on my work and be able to understand what we were doing in math that day. I also need to understand my thinking of how I solved problems.
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