Category Archives: Sixth

My Favorite Project Of The Year

My favorite piece of the year is the felt collages. I liked the assignment itself because there weren’t too many guide lines and there were too little. I liked the fact that we had to represent out Medieval guild character because it made me be creative when I actually started making my piece. I liked what I did with the project because I feel like I did a really good job of explaining my Medieval character while not making it too clustered at the same time. I was in the music guild so I made an instrument out of felt. I was poor so I added some ripped clothes. I was from France so I made a French flag.Emma Fabric

Final Map Project Post

This is my finished map project. It is a snow globe with important places in New York City. I would like to name this piece of art Me Globe. I created this by first, thinking of the idea to make a snow globe, second figuring out what places I wanted to include in my snow globe, and third executing the idea and actually making it. Something I learned while creating this is that anything can become art and the fact that I ended up with a snow globe when the only restriction was that I had to use a  map is amazing. My favorite part of my snow globe is the hanging ballet shoe because it took be a long time to get the shoe to look exactly how I wanted it so I am proud of it. If I could change something about it, I would choose to use a different jar so I could add more places on the map. While making this it surprised me how long it took to actually make this happen. At first I thought that I would be done before everything else because the idea is pretty simple, but once I started working on it I realized there was a lot of thought that I had to put into how exactly I wanted it to look. Something else I want to share about this piece is that there is actually a piece of map on the top of the jar it is just hard to see. IMG_2246

Poem 3


Leaves are growing back

It is time for warm weather

It is time for shorts


This is a Haiku poem. It is a syllable count. The first line has to be five syllables, the second line has to be seven syllables and the third line has to be five syllables. I use syllable count in this poem and line breaks. I like this poem because it explains how I feel about spring.

Poem 2

The Show

It’s our turn to go,

I’m nervous but I know

We can put on a great show

Will I fly above the sky

Or will I crash and cry?

I don’t know

But what I do know

Is that we can put on a great show


Since I do dance and I have to preform, I wanted to explain how I feel before I go on stage. My poem has rhyme and beat. I like this poem because it explains how I feel before I go on stage and that my dance friends and I are confident even though we are nervous.

Poem 1

Ice cream

Ice cream

Creamy, Sweet

Licking, Melting, Dripping

Between my fingers



When I wrote this poem, it was starting to get warmer out. That made me think of ice cream because I eat a lot of ice cream when it is warm out. This is a Cinquain poem. This is the layout for a Cinquain poem:

Line1: 1 noun

Line2: 2 adjectives

Line 3: 3 -ing words

Line 4: 1 phrase

Line 5: Another word for the noun

I used line breaks in this poem. i also kind of used imagery. I don’t love this poem because it is about a simple subject that isn’t very meaningful. It is also very straight forward. I could make it better by making it less straight forward and more meaningful. Maybe I could connect it to summer and how I eat ice cream when it’s hot outside.

Map Art

In art class recently I have been working on my map art. I already made a post about this, but I’ve made a little more progress. I am going to take it home soon and make it into a real snow globe with water and glitter.
Emma Map Project 3

Body System Connections

In Science recently we were put in body system groups. Each group studied a different system in the body. I did the Urinary system with Margaret and Io. Today in class we we made a stock and flow map about how all the systems connect. After we studied the body I realized that if any system was taken away humans would die. This is really cool. I also realized that the bodies only job is to keep you safe/alive. Every system is really important.
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Shabanu Newscast!

Shabanu Newscast!


Jindwadda Ali Abbasi died yesterday. He died in peace. He died because of a sandstorm in Pakistan, and he died a few days later, because of the effect. We can’t be one hundred percent certain, but Jindwadda was very injured during the sandstorm. It’s a miracle that he even survived. He was found outside, and conscious but asked specifically to be buried in Derawar, but unfortunately, his request couldn’t be fulfilled. Jindwadda died in the night about 10 days after the sandstorm. “I want to die at Derawar” his family remember him saying.

Grandpa fought in the war between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He fought hard for his country, and we will take today to appreciate his hard work in the army, and be sure that his death has been noticed.



Auntie’s baby died in the womb from technical issues. He was suffocated by the umbilical cord. “It was another boy,” Her sister says after the death. The midwife who tried to help is Shahzada’s sister, who is a family friend of the Abbasi’s. Shahzada used herbs and powders to help, but unfortunately it was too late to save the baby. According to witnesses, the state of the mother was frightening, for the color in her eyes was not visible. After the death of the baby, Auntie was said to have slept peacefully in a green tunic. The baby was buried, and the birth was never spoken of again. According to family, the mother’s pregnancy was unknown to everyone except possibly the father. Auntie did in fact show signs of pregnancy, such as tiredness, weakness and gaining weight. Shabanu did have suspicions about the pregnancy, but thought it might be rude to mention it.

The mother herself is the spouse of a man who works in a government office and makes a very good salary, and sends her gifts. Her husband, Mr. Abbasi,  is away a lot, and most people would even say that she’s lonely, but it brings her to joy the few times that her husband does come home. Mr. Abbasi is the brother of Dalil Abbasi, who is the spouse of Auntie’s sister. She is the mother of two lovely sons, ages three and five who are just starting to learn how to do work on the farm. When Auntie was at the age for marriage, she and her father went into search for a good husband. At first, they were unsuccessful, but after searching for a reasonable amount of time, she finally found her one and only husband. Shabanu, Auntie’s niece says, “Uncle comes several times a year, bringing Auntie gifts-quilts, shawls and brass pots. He brings us vegetables, wheat and lentils.”

My Map Project!

This is my map art. I am making a snow globe. It is going to have pieces of the map inside the snow globe, laminated. I am going to choose important parts of the map to me to include. I am going put the reason it’s important on the spot on the map. For example I am going to put a ballet shoe on the place that I dance. I am going to put a house on top of my map. The next step for me is finishing the drawings and laminating them.

Emma Map Project 2 Emma Map Project

Shabanu Blog Posts!


I’m Getting Married!

By Phulan

My family and I are preparing for the wedding. We cook sweets, make dresses
for the women, and dye turbans for the men. Shabanu drags me out to the fields with her to cut the grass for fodder. Dadi says “Hamir is different from me like Murad is different from Shabanu. He is wild, like Shabanu is. Screen Shot 2016-05-05 at 10.21.33 PMHe loves horses and rides them hard.” pg. 152   I’m not allowed to see Hamir until my wedding day. Dadi says it’s bad luck. I haven’t seen Hamir since my cousins wedding last year. I wonder how much he has changed. Dadi says he is very handsome. He is tall like me. He’s impatient and a dreamer. Shabanu says she likes Hamir less than Murad. The cottage for Hamir and I is almost done. I get to see it tomorrow. I hope it is as beautiful as I see it in my dreams. I’ll tell you about the cottage when I see it, but for know I have to go.



How to make Chapatis

By Phulan


Whole wheat flour

All-purpose flour


Olive oil

Hot water




Stir the the whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour and salt  together.

Stir in the olive oil and enough water to make a soft dough that is elastic but not sticky.

Knead the dough until it is smooth.

Now make a fire.

Put the chapatis on something and hold it over the fire.

When the side that is facing the fire has brown spots, flip it over to cook the other side.

Then continue with the remaining dough.

I am going to be getting married soon and I am going to have to make chapatis for my kids and my husband. I wanted to show you this recipe because if you are getting married you are going to have to be able to cook. The recipe is easy to make and most people like
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