Category Archives: Eighth

Spanish Trimester Reflection

This is my reflection on the first trimester of Spanish class:

1. What are your strengths in class and why?

Two strengths I have in Spanish class are participation, conjugations, and commands. I have finally remembered the different endings and irregular verbs. I think I also participate a good amount in Spanish class. This is very good for me because in my other classes I definitely don’t participate enough.
2. What do you struggle with on the above list?  Have you improved? What would help?
Something I can improve on in Spanish class is remembering vocabulary. I do well on weekly vocabulary quizzes, but I think after that week I forget the vocabulary. Maybe I could continue to study all of the quizlet sets from previous stories even after the vocabulary quiz.
3. What do you want your family to know about your performance in this class?
I want my family to know that my experience in Spanish class this year has been good. I am really understanding everything that Gaby teaches about Spanish.
4. Give me three realistic goals for next trimester.

Three goals I have for the next trimester are to remember all the vocabulary from the previous stories, to get better at pronunciation, and to get better at understanding Spanish when someone else is speaking it.

Reflection On Winter Concert

Last week I performed at the winter concert. Here is my reflection about how it went:

I think the best thing we did as a group was our harmony. We knew our parts and the different parts fit together well. I was most proud of the rainstorm in Africa. I think that it sounded real. My greatest individual challenge leading up to the concert was learning the Greek in the Katlanta. I think a lot of people had trouble with this. I think it was good that we didn’t sing the Greek on the third verse because most people didn’t know it.

First Digital Arts Photoshop Project

This is my first digital arts Photoshop project. I started with a picture of the background and then added buildings and a picture of Dora on the side of the lake. I added trees in front of the buildings and Dora to make it look more realistic. I also added reflections of the buildings and the trees in the water. In this project, I used emphasis, proportion, pattern, harmony, and balance. Dora shows emphasis and proportion because I made her larger than a human would usually be. The reflection of the buildings in the water shows pattern because it is the same image as on top of the water, but altered a little to make it look like a reflection. The buildings show balance because even though not all of them are the exact same size, they are all scaled the same. This project shows harmony because everything is around the edge of the lake in a semi-circle. Overall, this project shows many elements of design.