Final Map Project Post

This is my finished map project. It is a snow globe with important places in New York City. I would like to name this piece of art Me Globe. I created this by first, thinking of the idea to make a snow globe, second figuring out what places I wanted to include in my snow globe, and third executing the idea and actually making it. Something I learned while creating this is that anything can become art and the fact that I ended up with a snow globe when the only restriction was that I had to use a  map is amazing. My favorite part of my snow globe is the hanging ballet shoe because it took be a long time to get the shoe to look exactly how I wanted it so I am proud of it. If I could change something about it, I would choose to use a different jar so I could add more places on the map. While making this it surprised me how long it took to actually make this happen. At first I thought that I would be done before everything else because the idea is pretty simple, but once I started working on it I realized there was a lot of thought that I had to put into how exactly I wanted it to look. Something else I want to share about this piece is that there is actually a piece of map on the top of the jar it is just hard to see. IMG_2246

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