My First Poem Of The Year!

Ice cream

Creamy, Sweet

Licking, melting, dripping

Between my fingers


Recently in humanities we have been learning about poetry. So far we have learned about Haiku and Cinquain poems. We had some time to write during class and I wrote this poem. It is about ice cream. This was my first poem of the year so I chose an easier topic or something not super duper meaningful. I like this poem because it explains my experience with ice cream. If I could re write my poem I would probably try to make it about a harder or more meaningful topic. It was challenging for me to follow the rules of Cinquain. I broke a rule when I said “between my fingers” because the third line is supposed to have a four or five word phrase, but my poem has a three word phrase. It was easy for me to think of adjectives to describe ice cream because there are so many words that I could’ve used. I picked creamy and sweet because I think those words sums up what I think about ice cream the most.

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