My Fiction Story


                                             Chapter One


I wound up for the throw. The crowd was chanting. I pitched the ball. The batter swung and missed.

“Strike one!” the umpire called. I wound up and threw again.

“Strike two!” the umpire called. One more strike the batter would be out.

I spat out the piece of gum I had been chewing. I wound up and threw. The batter hit it with a loud bang. Before I could move, it hit me right in the arm. I fell to the ground, bleeding. The pain got worse and worse as the world faded around me.

I woke up in a hospital room. My mom right in my face.

“Is my little shmoo okay?” she asked me frantically.

“Mom, get out of my face,” I told her. “I need to go back to the game.”

“Bart, honey, your arm is broken.”


Chapter Two

I couldn’t believe it. My arm was broken, that was our last game of the season. But most importantly, it was the championship game. I had to go back and play the game. But how?

Then I got an idea. I waited for everyone in my hospital room to leave. It wasn’t my first time in this hospital. I knew it pretty well. My dad used to be a doctor here. I knew there were security cameras in every hall and room. I would have to block their view. Then I remembered, I had some batter’s gum in my back pocket. I grabbed a piece and chewed it for a minute. Then I threw it at the camera. My aim was way off. I tried again with a new piece. It hit right in the center. “Perfect,” I thought. But then there was the painful part, taking the medical needles out of my arm. I pulled them out slowly, ignoring the devastating pain it was causing. I put some bandages over my arm, stood up, put on my uniform and was about to open the door and leave when… my mom came in with a panicked look on her face.

“When the doctor informed me that the security2 f3w  camera with your room went pink, I ran as fast as I could to your room.” She yelled. “And what do I find?! My injured son getting up to go to the game!!! Sit down!”


Chapter Three

What would I do now?

My mom sat with me while she knit. So I just watched the game from the hospital room, feeling bad for myself, when a bird landed on the window and started chirping. That was when I realized that the window was open. I stuck my head out the window. It wasn’t much of a view, there was a tree blocking the view. A tree! I could climb down the tree. There was hope.

I looked behind me to find my mom fast asleep. She would wake up soon though. I had to act fast. I grabbed my baseball glove and took a running leap. I landed in the tree. On a strong branch thankfully. The adrenalin was really helping. I felt no pain in my arm whatsoever. That was good. I slowly climbed down the tree. Then I hopped on to the ground and ran. My bandages flew off as I ran. I needed a faster way to get there. The train wouldn’t work. Too slow. Nor a cab. It would take too long to find one. Unless…

An idea popped into my head. If I hopped on top of the taxi, I wouldn’t have to pay or hail the taxi. As long as the taxi went in the general direction of the stadium, I would be fine.

So I waited, and waited until a taxi came. I ran and hopped on top of it. Inside the taxi I heard the driver say to himself.

“Birds, I hate em!”

As we past the stadium, I jumped off the taxi and ran as fast as I could, towards the field.


                   Chapter Four

I ran through the locker room and burst through the doors, screaming.

“I’m back!”

As soon as the words left my lips, the crowd and all players turn to look at me. There was no turning back.

I walked up to the pitcher’s mound and held out my hand to the pitcher. He handed me the ball, hesitating. I plucked it out of his hands. I looked at the scoreboard and realized that we were ahead 20 to 18 and bases were loaded. I wound up like the beginning of the game and threw the fastest fastball I’d ever thrown in my life. He missed.

I was really tense now. The crowd was on their feet. I threw again. He missed again.

This next pitch could win the game, but it could also lose it. We just had the catch the ball or the batter had to miss this pitch. I wound up, sweating. The adrenalin was wearing off. My arm was starting to hurt again. I ignored it. I wound up and pitched with all my might. He hit it so hard the bat cracked in half. But then before anyone got to home base. I jumped in the air and guess what?

I caught the ball.


The End