Week two, Thursday

Today Shai and I visited all of the locations. There are seven in total. Again, I was struck by the community. Every location we visited, Shai knew everyone there and[…]

Week two, Tuesday

Today we had an order of 200 burgers, 150 side salads, and 150 salads. It struck me today that all of these containers are made of plastic. Additionally, I bagged[…]

Week One, Monday

Today I met with Shai. Shai is the manager of technology and human resources at Westville and has been bogged down with work recently. While some workplaces are experiencing less[…]

Ariella – Blog post #4

The third recipe that I cooked so far in my project are my grandmothers bolitas de queso (cheese balls). My grandmother is a Holocaust survivor who escaped from Romania in[…]

Week 1 part 2

I did my next cooking exploration as a breakfast meal. I gathered garlic mustard and used it as flavoring and spice for my healthy and proteinous breakfast dish. Below are[…]

Week 1, part 1

This week I started by cooking with ingredients from local farmers from the farmers market. One new food to me was lions mane mushrooms. Then I began my foraging. To[…]

Senior Project Proposal

FINAL PROPOSAL Name:  Anna Faulkner   You have already written versions of your responses to many of these questions in previous assignments for Senior Project; you may reuse prior writing[…]

Update #3: Sophie SF

On Tuesday, I had the chance to observe another weekly Leadership Team Meeting at The Hunger Project (THP). The meeting consisted of a group of long-time THP investors and fundraisers.[…]

Ariella Post #3

For my next dish I interviewed my grandmother on my mom’s side, Vivian Abady. She grew up in Egypt but was exiled due to her religion as a young teen.[…]

Sophie SF’s CR#1

My essential question is, how does a non-profit organization develop and implement a sustainable solution to global hunger and poverty? Coming into my internship, I was already familiar with how[…]

Sophie R – CR#1

My essential question is, how can learning about food sustainability inform the sustainable practices I use in my own life? I wanted to explore this question because I’m really interested[…]

Sophie R – Week 1 (2)

Even though I’m familiar with a lot of the major themes involved in food sustainability, I’m surprised by how much I learned this week. One of the most interesting things[…]

Update #2: Sophie SF

On Thursday (4/9), I had the chance to observe a webinar focused on how The Hunger Project’s programs in East Africa and India are responding to the COVID-19 crisis. During[…]

Sophie R – Week 1 (1)

This week I started working on my first online class, watched a documentary, and listened to some podcasts. My original senior project involved working with different farms, both rural and[…]

Update #1: Sophie SF

This week, I started my remote internship with The Hunger Project (THP), a strategic, non-profit organization that works to end chronic hunger and extreme poverty by launching sustainable, grassroots, women-centered[…]

Senior Project Proposal

FINAL PROPOSAL Name:  Ariella Mendal   You have already written versions of your responses to many of these questions in previous assignments for Senior Project; you may reuse prior writing[…]