Blog Post #3

4/15/20 – Today we got another assignment, this time from the marketing department. The assignment asked for two ideas of creative ways to market Gunna’s upcoming album “Wunna”. This was[…]

Blog Post #2

4/10/20 – Following “Class of 300” with Kevin Liles, the companies CEO, he gave us a homework assignment to complete over the next few days. He wanted us to look[…]

Blog Post #1

4/8/20 – Today I got the chance to talk to Geoff Ogunlesi, who is A&R for Young Thug, Gunna, and the rest of Thug’s YSL label. I got to talk[…]

Nika’s CR #2

One aspect I looked at this week is feedback in our lives, more specifically, feedback in the workplace. My goal was to understand why we are so hesitant to give[…]

Nika’s Blog #4

There are many ways in which organizations try to get feedback, but developing a culture of asking for feedback may be the most cost-effective way to develop healthy work cultures.[…]

Nika’s Blog #3

I met with my mentor and we talked about my previous weekly assignment, then she gave me my new weekly assignment which focused on feedback. I looked at how feedback[…]

Pierre Fourth Blog Post

I started this week by finishing the printing review. Large data sets and Excel’s unique layout make printing more challenging than you would think. As I begin to wrap up[…]

blog post 4

my project is getting very interesting. Mainly it is trying to demonstrate what the building blocks of most meaningful scientific developments are, mainly subatomic particle examination. I also find my[…]

Olivia CR #1

EQ: What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising?  So far in my Senior Project journey, I have[…]


Henry Pomerance 4/14/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Critical Reflection #1: What I Know, What I Don’t Even when the COVID-19 pandemic shut down normal life, my senior project[…]

Nika’s CR #1

What practices are in place at an efficient workplace? This week I worked on creating a culture-specific manual in order to help new employees get integrated into a company that[…]

Nissim – CR#1

Twice a week my company does something called “Class of 300” Class of 300 is an opportunity for the interns of the company to have as long as hour long[…]

Cr #1

It seems the deeper I delve into my senior project. The more I feel I don’t know. The book started with more basic and unadvanced ideas yet as I get[…]

CR #1 Jonathan Z.

Critical Reflection #1 – Jonathan Ziebarth  For my critical response I will be reflecting on a passage from the book I am currently reading, Zero To One, By Peter Thiel[…]

Nika’s Blog #2

The second part of my weekly assignment was to compare feedback from the 2019 survey and the 2020 survey. I spent this time going over each new employees onboarding process[…]

Nika’s Blog #1

For the first part of my weekly assignment, I worked on onboarding at a company. The onboarding process helps a company develop a happy contributor and coworker who will work[…]

Pierre’s CR #1

Firstly, I learned about operators and how the computer reads mathematical terms. Secondly, I learned the autofill button which is a very useful control. I showed my dad, who uses[…]

Olivia’s Senior Project Proposal

Project name: The Art of Advertising EQ:  What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What is the relationship between advertising and its cultural climate?  How are advertising and marketing changing with[…]

Blog post 1 – proposal

My project will be centered around reading The Three Body Problem trilogy, written by Chinese author Cixin Liu. These books will directly help me answer my questions as a significant[…]

Week One Blog Entry #1

Blog Entry #1 During the first week of my senior project, I went through step by step video tutorials about Excel’s functions. I learned all of the basic properties of[…]