Jaquie’s -Post #2

After I finished my COVID-19 course, I decided I was going to take COVID-19 Diagnostics and Testing course which focuses on getting “the latest recommendations on COVID-19 diagnostics and testing,[…]

Pierre’s CR #1

Firstly, I learned about operators and how the computer reads mathematical terms. Secondly, I learned the autofill button which is a very useful control. I showed my dad, who uses[…]

Work Days 1 and 2

On the first day of my project started researching luthiery and the process of bass building. In my research, I got an idea of what needed to be done first[…]

Jaquie Adler- Blog post #1

My project and essential question are as followed: “I will be studying how COVID-19 affects different healthcare systems around the world and by studying that, help me come up with[…]

Week One Blog Entry #1

Blog Entry #1 During the first week of my senior project, I went through step by step video tutorials about Excel’s functions. I learned all of the basic properties of[…]