Ruthie’s CR #6

My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I think that my Essential Question was changed to now focus more on how[…]

Ruthie’s CR #5

My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? One thing that I’ve started doing that really helped me in the beginning was[…]

Ruthie Week 5: Blog #8

As my Senior Project experience is winding down, I’m finding it harder and harder to write. The motivation has been ebbing away, and now there is virtually little to none[…]

Ruthie’s CR #4

My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I think that my essential question should change to something regarding how negative circumstances[…]

Ruthie’s CR #3

My essential question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? Before Senior Project I read a book that a librarian friend from outside of[…]

Ruthie’s CR #2

My essential question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? One thing that I’ve learned is that perseverance matters when it comes to writing.[…]

Ruthie Week 2: Blog #4

This week I started off strong and motivated. As the week progressed I found myself not making enough time for my Senior Project. Due to personal circumstances this week was[…]

Ruthie Week 2: Blog #3

This morning my first two short stories that I have written were workshopped in my cohort group. The feedback I received was incredibly helpful, especially because one of the short[…]

Ruthie’s CR #1

My essential question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I know that writers need is free time which is something that I haven’t[…]

Ruthie Week 1: Blog #1

My project focuses on how out of practice writers become active and disciplined writers. I started off my project by looking for writing prompts. An author that I am a[…]