I began my senior project intending to answer the question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?” and thinking about how my own experiences will help me understand[…]
Author: 20mollyv
Molly – Week 6 Post
How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week, I have been touching base with different communities and people about their experiences in their communities being engaged. I[…]
Molly- CR #5
Going into Senior Project, I initially wanted to do something hands-on to learn about a topic I’m interested in. I planned to spend the six weeks volunteering on various farms[…]
Molly- Week 5 Post
How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week, some members of the track team had a virtual “track meet” over Zoom. While I was initially skeptical about[…]
Molly- CR #4
When I was looking at my first source on April 8th, I was considering my essential question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?,” with the assumption that[…]
Molly- Week 4 Post
How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week Jess brought a lawyer named Maggie Carlyle from the PAC-12 conference to our cohort meeting to talk about how[…]
Molly- CR #3
Reflecting on my project at the halfway point has made me realize that while I have learned a lot about how communities are continuing to engage online, I still have[…]
Molly- Week 3 Post
How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week our cohort heard from another speaker during our meeting named Brooke Hurley, a ceramics teacher in Chicago. She talked[…]
Molly- CR #2
Monday night, April 20th, was the beginning of Yom Hashoah, the Jewish holiday for Holocaust Remembrance. Every other year on this day, my synagogue’s held a service to honor the[…]
Molly- Week 2, Post 2
Community in the Time of COVID-19 Yesterday in my cohort meeting, I heard from a speaker named Sandra about how her art communities have been moved online. Sandra lives in[…]
Molly- Week 2, Post 1
Community in the Time of COVID-19 Since I last posted, I have continued to explore online community engagement. On Sunday evening, I led a workshop online for the jGirls magazine[…]
Molly-CR #1
In trying to answer my essential question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?,” I am constantly reminded of why this topic is important to me. Along with[…]
Molly- Week 1, Post 2
Community in the Time of Covid-19 Since this week was Passover, I’ve spent most of the past two days with my family celebrating. However, some of what I’ve been doing[…]
Molly- Week 1, Post 1
Community in the Time of Covid-19 This week, I have spent time exploring how to continue my communities online including the track team and my synagogue’s teen group, as well[…]
Molly’s Project Proposal
Essential Question: How can communities stay engaged virtually during a global pandemic? Statement of Definition: Explore how communities can continue being active during a global pandemic limiting social interactions to[…]