CR 6

Dominic DiGesu  5/22/20 Critical Reflection #6: Final Reflection  Over the last 6 weeks, I have been focused on making music. The goal was to tell a compelling narrative/story through music[…]

CR 5

Dominic DiGesu  5/13/20 Critical Reflection #5: Metacognition    My senior project is about making music. Although I didn’t realize when I started, the process I followed is the cycle of[…]

CR 4

Dominic DiGesu  5/6/20 Critical Reflection #4:Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc)   My senior project is about making music. My essential question is how can I tell a compelling narrative/tell[…]

CR 3

Dominic DiGesu  4/29/20 Critical Reflection #3: Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question?    My senior project is about[…]

CR 2

Dominic DiGesu  4/22/20 Critical Reflection #2: Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?   My senior[…]

may 7-8: song 2

Helloo, so Gus and I finally have a new song for you all. This one took us longer than the first song to finish since we were such perfectionists about[…]

APR 17: SONG 2

Hellooooo, so Gus and I thought it would be a good idea to let the first song sit for a couple days so that we don’t get sick of it[…]


Hello, so Gus and I have been continuing the song we started last week. We’ve been trying to flesh out complete verse, chorus and bridge sections. It’s probably about time[…]

CR #1

Critical Reflection #1: What I Know vs What I Don’t Know (CR1)   My senior project is about making music. My essential question is how can I tell a compelling[…]