One-Minute Paper Posts


INTRODUCTION: A “one-minute paper” may be defined as a very short writing activity (taking one-minute or less to complete) in response to a question, which prompts the student to reflect on the day’s learning. It is a student-centered reflection strategy designed to help students discover their own meaning in relation to experiences and concepts and skills that are being explored.



*What was most memorable or stands out in your mind about today’s experience/learning?
*What was the most surprising and/or unexpected idea/challenge/opportunity encountered in today’s work?
*Looking back over the day, what would you say was the most stimulating idea you encountered?
*For you, what interesting questions remain unanswered about today’s work?


*In your opinion, what was the most useful idea encountered today?
*During today’s work, what idea(s) struck you as things you could or should put into practice?
*What example or illustration encountered in today’s work could you relate to the most?


*Would idea/belief did you encounter today with which you most agree? Disagree? Why?
*What was the most persuasive or convincing argument (or counterargument) that you encountered in today’s work?
*Was there a position taken in today’s work that you strongly disagreed with, or found to be disturbing and unsettling?
*What idea encountered in today’s work strongly affected or influenced your personal opinions, viewpoints, or values?


*What did you perceive to be the major purpose or objective of today’s work?
*What do you think was the most important point or central concept encountered during today’s work?

Conceptual Connections:

*What relationship did you see between today’s work and other ideas/topics previously encountered in this project?
*What was encountered today that seemed to connect most deeply with what you are learning or have learned in other class(es)?

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